Yes, I'm aware that I was negligent in posting yesterday, so to make up for it I'm gonna post something on Friday. It's really surprising that I'd forget, because I actually have a few good topics I wanted to cover this week.
First up, for this Tuesday, is my idea of the funniest thing ever. Some like the pie in the face, others like a well-paced walk-into-the-door. To me, the idea of slapstick is at it's best when it involves humans and slipping. I mean really, is there anything more humorous when you see someone have complete control one minute and then suddenly land square on their butt? Hell, whenever I've done it, I can never seem to stop laughing. I remember one of our childhood traditions was to sit around and watch "America's Funniest Home Videos" with the charmingly goofy (and surprisingly dirty) Bob Saget. For us, nothing was better than when it looked like the camera was all framed for a nice heartwarming shot, and then the bride slips in the middle of her reception. Hilarious
Whenever I'm in need of a good laugh my mind always seems to drift to scenes from television or movies where people trip or are falling. You ever watch any of that reality show, "The Osbournes"? There was an episode I used to watch over and over again just so I could see the montage scene of all the times Kelly tripped and fell.
Or how about in that movie, "Honeymoon in Vegas" when James Caan is trying to keep up with Sarah Jessica Parker on their hike, and as she cross the camera you see Caan not really paying attention and then suddenly just drops out of the scene via a ditch in the ground? Crap, that stuff still makes me smile.
I guess I really noticed this comedic inclination lately, since I bought these damn flip flops that are completely smooth on the bottom. I have lost count how many times I have fallen while wearing these shoes (and I'm not exactly helped by all the wood floors in the townhouse). I'm seriously waiting for the day I completely fall down the stairs, in which I will be crying with tears of laughter in between tears of pain.
The other day I was in the yard playing with Georgia, trying to chase after her, when my foot slipped briefly on wet grass and I surprised myself with a near split (of the pants as well...yikes). And then later on Joe and I were walking out of Target (the scene of tomorrow's topic, too) I was talking to him about something when my foot slipped off the curve of the curb and had to fling my arms behind me to regain balance.
I'd like to say I laugh only at myself or characters on television, but chances are, if you slip or trip around me, I'll 1.) make sure you are ok, and if you are 2.) begin to, hopefully, laugh with you, but if you are not 2.) help you to a chair and then excuse myself to laugh in the bathroom.
I remember a story my sister Linds told me years ago back in high school about how she was at a party and as she was making her way into the basement where her friends were her giant shoe (this was when Frankenstein-sized platform shoes were the rage) slipped and caused her to slide down the stairs on her butt. I remember even then bawling my eyes laughing, split between imagining her with those huge shoes and the scene from "Clueless" where Ty falls down the stairs. Even as I'm typing this I'm trying to suppress a laugh.
Hell, I even laugh at my DOG, as if I wasn't evil enough. The other day Georgia surprised me by trying to jump onto our bed. I had just made it, smoothing out the ends, when I see this little brown body fling itself at the bed, her grip slipping and her head and front paws pop up before crashing back down. Haha, aww I made sure she was ok, but God, I almost couldn't breathe.
I dunno, I could be just me, but it's an oldie and goodie in my opinion. I never laugh at intentional slips, they have to be completely spontaneous and unexpected. And also, causing no physical damage, cuz then I just feel bad. Well, unless of course I don't make it to someplace private and I start laughing right in front of you. But just know, even as I'm wiping away tears and gasping for breath, I really DO want to know, "are you ok?"