Monday, August 16, 2010

Girls I Don't Get

Maybe it's just me, but there are alot of actresses out there that I don't get why everyone, especially guys, think are so great. Granted, I'm not a lesbian (despite what people might assume), nor a guy so my understanding of what makes a girl hot is sorta limited. However, I've compiled a short list of actresses that guys swoon over, but I don't see the attraction.
1.) Megan Fox-- Ok, so she looked nice and slutty in Transformers, but when I see this girl in anything else I see total bitch-face (and girls, you know what I'm talking about). There was a girl in high school I knew that also suffered from B.F., but then again she was kinda bitchy anyway so it didn't matter. Plus she is a crappy actress anyway, so yeah.
2.) Scarlett Johanss0n-- I'll give you that she's got a curvy body, but her face looks only so-so. What's with that chin/nose? Plus, I kinda think she sucks as an actress, anyway. Doesn't she seem to play the same character in every movie? I dunno, again, could be just me.

3.) Kristen Stewart-- I figure her for one of those "indie" actor chicks (excluding the "Twilight" series), and sometimes I think she's an ok actress so therefore maybe looks aren't supposed to be the major thing. But for the most part she looks like one of those girls who only looks pretty with a ton of make-up on. Have you seen those freakin "Twilight" posters? The freakin Mona Lisa doesn't get touched up as much (and don't get me started on that wad Taylor Lautner. I don't get girls attraction to him, but we'll save that for another post).
4.) Paris Hilton-- Now, I know she's not really considered an actress (although from what I hear she did provide truly stunning and thought provoking performances in "A Night in Paris" and "House of Wax"...) but she is still a celebrity (for being rich, I guess) and so I can also lay into her as well (as if I was the only one, the girl's been laid more than sod on a football field..OH!). But seriously, the way too thin body coupled with that forever pouty face is a losing combo. I truly don't get the attraction here. Please, guys, educate me on this one.

Yes, I AM being petty, and yes, I realize I'm no prize either. I am one of the many "normal" people out there, and if you want to be a celebrity you are going to get assholes like me who will be critical as hell. But as I said before, this is pretty much the short list. I'm sure as soon as I hit the "Post" button I'm going to think of more. But thankfully I have people who aren't afraid to leave comments about their own feelings. So let the forum begin!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Megan Fox: There is nothing special about the way she looks. I don't get it, either.
    2. Scarlett Johansson: Totally hot.
    3 & 4. Kristen Stewart and Paris Hilton: I've never heard a guy say that either of these chicks are hot.

    Girls I don't get:
    Jessica Alba: She looks like she has Down Syndrome.
    Lucy Liu: I don't really go for Asians.
    Jenna Jameson: If she didn't bleach her hair, buy some boobs, and get nailed with her ankles behind her ears, would ANYONE think she was hot?

    Girls I totally get:
    Salma Hayek
    Jessica Biel
