Ok, I'm not gonna lie, I'm still sorta feeling that massive glass of Pinot Grigio I had with dinner...my third Restaurant Week restaurant, I might add. And to answer your question, I had this crap and artichoke stuffed filo for an appetizer, a seafood bouillabaisse for dinner and a trio of Mediterranean desserts. Oh, and I had a small break through- not sure if it was because of the wine, but I tried my friend Ash's appetizer (which was CHILLED shrimp in a citrus sauce) and actually liked it! I ATE A COLD DISH! What is becoming of the world??
Anyway, that's really not what this post is supposed to be about. It's about the fact that EVERYONE and their mother has been/is going on vacation, while Joe and I putter around the house for the 10th weekend in a row. Now, I hear you say, 'But Kris, didn't you guys JUST move in to your new place? Isn't it still new and exciting?' Well, let me tell you loyal reader, it is NOT! Well, it is a little bit, but I can't help feeling the drag of not having an actual vacation in over 3 or 4 years.
Granted, Joe and I did take two beach trips; one to Ocean City and then to Virginia Beach. I honestly can't remember which one we did first..do you see what I mean about it being a long time? And though both were fun, they were also way too short, in my humble opinion.
Also, I must admit that this summer the move really ate away our money and time (the two basic essentials for a vacation). Still, as aware as I am about these facts, I can't help noticing all the trips and time off people around me seem to be getting. Hell, even my radio personalities have taken numerous vacations. Mickey, of the morning show I listen to on 98 Rock, was interviewing the major of Ocean City, and described how he went down for a few weeks! He even said he was going to try to make another weekend trip soon! And it doesn't stop there. I noticed on my favorite NPR shows that the co hosts there seem to be taking turns taking their vacations.
Even as I look around my office I notice people missing here and there, only to discover THEY had unused vacation time. Though it's terrible to think, I keep wishing them sunburns and rainy days, just out of spite.
Did you know that in many countries in Europe, they actually require you to take a few weeks off? Without any penalty or anything. My friend Dave told me this once, when he explained all the various trips he intended to take. It was further confirmed on a segment on Sunday Morning (one of my ritual shows that I do miss terribly).
Maybe I'm being obsessed. It's just that back when I was a kid, I guess I was pretty spoiled, at least where vacations were concerned. In fact, my cousin Beck and I were just texting about those trips tonite, which we often did with both families, offering up little tidbits of memories...
"Remember the drive down to Captiva and the dolphins?", she texted.
"Remember the raccoon stuck on the roof?", I texted back.
"Remember when your brother threw up hot pink stuff in the hot tub?", she replied.
"Remember that kid, Chip, who was kinda weird but we liked boys so we wanted him to hang out with us?", I responded.
So many memories. So many trips. But as we got older, and schedules became more rigid, the vacations seemed to drift away. By the time I got to college I was usually unable to go for trips with my family, and before I knew it years had passed since my foot stepped inside a crowded airplane to touch down in a new place. I swear, last week's trip to pick up Ashley was the closest I had been to an airport in ages. *Sigh*
And though I should count myself fortunate (having family still up by the Jersey shore allotted me at least some quality beach time, though not as much as I would've liked), I feel sympathy for Joe, who has been trying to get away to Myrtle Beach (HIS family's old vacation spot) for ages now.
We keep trying to tell ourselves that once the paychecks are not being used up for other things, like security deposits and mattresses, we will have a proper vacation. But still, I think Europe has got it right. I could think of some things to do with 6 weeks of vacation time. Even if it was just to Ocean City.
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