Has anyone ever used that deodorant called "Tom's All Natural"? I think it's based in Maine or something? Holy crap, that shit irritates the HELL outta my skin. Today at work I looked like a god damn orangutan scratching their armpits trying to get a banana from a zookeeper. Gross. Anyway, onto the thrilling (I think) conclusion to my weekend.
So like I said Saturday mostly consisted of me recovering from a hangover, a trip to the Home Depot, and not much else. Let's move on to Sunday.
Sunday- I woke up feeling much better, and made it a point to start cleaning the townhouse while Joe played handyman and put up the new fence. When he went downstairs I came out, just to check up on Georgia and take some trash out. I noticed a 7 or 8 year old boy with his father, looking and smiling at Georgia. Being the overly/annoyingly polite person, I walked over, wearing a crappy small tank top and stained workout pants, hoping they were just curious as to her breed (as everyone in their mother seems to be).
I couldn't totally understand what the father was saying the whole time, but he was smiling alot. The kid asked questions about her and wondered if he could pet her. I managed to get my hands on her and let him pet her. Then he said he'd like to throw the ball for her. I grabbed the ball and let it toss it to her a few times. Now I probably should've just stopped it there because the next thing I knew the kid was climbing over the fence because he wanted to play with her.
Now, Georgia is NOT a vicious dog. Her one problem that we have to train out of her is that she sometimes plays a little rough with us humans. She has a hard time discerning play from pain, unless we yelp loudly to indicate the difference. The kid start trying to mess with her and she began nipping at his heels and when he started flailing his arms, tried to bite those as well. It wasn't as if she was trying to attack him, but still the kid started to look petrified and clutched his arm. I tried to grab Georgia to keep her away but she thought it was all part of the game. When I finally managed to get a hold, the kid suddenly said he wanted to play some more. Finally coming to my senses, with this strange kid in my yard, I apologized and said that I thought it was time for Georgia to go in now. He looked at me wide-eyed, as if that was ridiculous and unfair.
"Yeah, you know, she's just getting really excited...she sorta nips when she's playing," I stammered. Still the look was blank. Finally the father helped me out by saying it was time for them to go, still smiling. He made it seem like he was just going to pull the kid back over the fence the way he came, so I walked back inside with Georgia in tow.
When Joe came back upstairs, he noticed the father and son in our backyard.
"Ummm why are there people in our yard?" I glanced back and noticed they were trying to actually go through the back gate. Not really wanting to make friends, I closed the door and hightailed it upstairs to continue with my cleaning, and hoped for the best.
Hours later I was due to pick up Ashley at BWI at around 7:40. Also, quick side note- since doing this Living Year thing I HAVE noticed I'm on time for more things. In fact, sometimes I'm even early...yet somehow I still get bitten in the ass...
So I make my way up there over a half hour early. I find a nice spot right near her airline exit, and, since my car has no a/c, step out to suck in whatever stifled air I can. I keep glancing at my watch, and when I realize it's almost time, I finger my phone waiting for her call and look around for a sign of her.
Suddenly, at around 7:36, an airport cop begins walking to all the cars, including mine, and telling the owners they need to move. I immediately comply, asking if I should just go around the terminal again. She says yes, but as I move forward I get the call. I tell Ash to meet me at the Air Jamaica section and pull over. I'm not there for more than 2 minutes before the same cop rolls over.
"This is the second time, right?" She said, leaning into my car.
"Yes, I'm sorry, but my friend JUST called me. She's coming out right now," I said.
"Ok, well, you know how they say third times a charm? Third times a ticket," and she starts to move on. I'm left thinking she meant if I stay there too long and she tells me to move again, she'll give me a ticket so I wait a few more seconds. I then see her in my rearview, making her way back to me, and suddenly get the message. I pull out and drive all the way around the terminal.
Ashley calls me again, asking what happened. I explain that this freakin cop told me to move so I had to circle the terminal. When I finally get back around the quiet airport is now packed and tense. I pull over where I can, holding my phone to my ear and trying to move up a bit, as requested by some guy in a giant lime-colored shirt. Still I see no sign of Ash; instead, I see the same damn cop, and this time she is just signaling me to move AGAIN.
After going through the terminal a third time, at long last, I spot Ashley and practically yank her into my car before the cop can see me. As I explained the whole thing, Ash suddenly made me realize it wasn't just me. Apparently, while she was craning her neck to find me she stepped a little too close to the curb. The same cop came up to her and barked at her to move back. When she explained she's looking for her friend (who's had to circle the terminal three times, she pointed out), the cop ignored her after she told her to move again.
*Whew*, so yeah, that was my weekend in a nutshell. A very colorful and long-winded nutshell. Don't worry, tomorrow's will be shorter. G'nite gang!
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