Wow, I really suck at this 5-Posts a Week thing. I'm considering making an amendment that declares I shall not even try to write on Fridays, at least until these 1/2 day Fridays are no longer in effect. I just end up beating myself up for the weekend. So, I'll try to, but if I don't, you'll know.
Anyway, happy Monday everyone! Can you smell that? I think there's a slight scent of Fall in the air. I noticed it last night as Joe and I sat in our folding chairs at Outlaw Jam, and we actually experienced our first chill in a long time. Sad, and I'm really not ready for the change, despite the fact that I managed to do some cool stuff this year: saw bands I always wanted to at some outdoor concerts- Scorpions at M3, Bad Company and Blue Oyster Cult at Outlaw Jam. I also combined a band I never saw with going somewhere I always wanted to go to- Collective Soul at Preakness. Plus we managed to get to the Beer, Bourbon and BBQ Festival, Artscape in Baltimore, even a dog expo.
However, there is still so much I want to do before the summer slips by, which is what tonight's post is about...my summer bucket-list.
1.) Crab Feast-- I know that anyone who knows me has probably heard me whining about the fact that I have YET to pick a single crab this summer. Truthfully I haven't been able to go to many crab feasts, either because I couldn't afford to, I was busy, or there just weren't any going on. I am hoping to rectify that soon, which leads me to #2.
2.) BBQs-- Now I have been to a few, but I could always go for more...especially since we moved into this place with the nice big yard that just SCREAMS BBQ. Joe and I have already plotted for a big Labor Day party, complete with meat, beer, and (you guessed it) steamed crabs.
3.) Taking a ride on the Tiki Barge-- This is something our friend Jeff told us about. Apparently it's a big docked party barge that holds both a pool and good sized tiki bar. We were planning to go the weekend we ended up getting Georgia on. I kept racking my brain to figure a way to both pick Georgia up AND manage to hit the barge (I know, it's so comforting knowing where my priorities lies...God, I'm horrible). Since we got her we've managed to leave her alone for several hours and now that we know we can pretty much trust her on her own I intend to see what that damn barge is all about.
4.) State Fair-- Not really surprising I haven't been yet, seeing as how it hasn't started yet. But we have made it to the fair every year for the past 2 or 3 years, and I really hate seeing a tradition die, so we will have to plan a day for that.
I have a bunch more things I'd like to do/see/eat/hear, but these are probably the ones I keep telling myself that I want to do most. I know there's still time. I just can't help but think, as we slowly start turning our A.C. off in exchange for the crisper night air, I know that summer will be gone just as seamlessly as it came in. Guess that means I have to stop being an anti-social cheapskate and get out there.
Oh well, see you tomorrow kiddos.
I noticed the fall smell too! I caught it when I was walking my parents' dog at 6 am on Saturday (yuck).
Aw man, yay for the pretty smell but boo to being up at 6 a.m. on a Saturday
ReplyDeleteDon't worry your not missing anything at the state fair. It's a waste of money unless your seriously craving deep fried oreos, or you have a toddler in tow... maybe than its mediocre.
ReplyDeleteHaha yeah, it was definitely worth it to see Jackie's face when he was looking at the ducks and sheep. I'll prob bite the bullet and still make it out (and always looking for companions....)