The name of the game is temp, people. I think we are living in a society where the big businesses like banks and car dealerships think that "temp" is the worst of the four-letter words. I can not believe that as great as this job has been for helping me it has also been the worst kind of disability.
As you may or may not be aware, I've been recently on the hunt for a "new" used car ever since I got pulled over by that cop (who, though I know was just doing his job and protects us, blah blah, I hope still gets canker sores for making me deal with this car crap at the worst time).
I ended up having to go to the MVA to get some temporary (there's that word again) registration because my current car won't pass inspection, unless I want to drop a cool grand on fixing everything. The fact that it would only patch up my car to last another year (as in a TEMPORARY fix) or so combined with the fright my car gave me while trying to maneuver through all that snow all culminated in my decision to finally make an upgrade.
I think the last I mentioned all this I was looking at a 2000 RAV4 that I saw on Carmax. Well, that was soo 12 days ago. I was doing a bit more research and stumbled upon a what has the potential to be my dream car: SUV, four door, sunroof, roof rack, silver, great fuel economy, fold-back seats...all on a 2005 Hyundai Tuscon. The greatest thing is the price, a mere $8500 (for what should be valued as a $10,000 car). The catch? I know, and there is one- the mileage. At 84k miles, its not the greatest for a car only 5 years old, but still, it IS a Hyundai, which I'm told is a pretty reliable brand. Besides, I knew I'd have to sacrifice something.
So last week I contacted the dealership and set up an appointment to see the car. I was determined not to be talked into anything too fast, so I kept my poker face even as they took my car keys to inspect my car while I went for the test drive. We came back and I told them flat out what I could afford each month. The salesman went off to do some figuring and returned telling me he'd need some time to work on the deal, and so I left. After the holidays and much discussion with my fam I decided I was seriously falling in love with the car and would go back and try to get it.
When I returned the second time I brought Joe along and he explained that they still couldn't solidify my deal and that he'd contact me the next day. He did so, via text, and asking me questions about my temp job and finally admitting that without written proof that I would become a "full time" employee, they couldn't approve me. Ugh. I texted back that I'd try with my credit union, which I did today.
I sat across this friendly woman who after chatting for a while explained that the credit union would be unable to approve me given that my occupational status is technically "temporary". She suggested I bring along Joe to see if combined we can get approved tomorrow, so I'm trying to be optimistic. But that's probably just temporary as well....
I'll try to post again tomorrow, but if I can't/forget/don't feel like it, I'll see you all next year!