Wow, did I feel alot better about life today. I placed my new Maryland plates in the back windshield of my car and was therefore able to drive myself to work. Then I get to work and find my boss is out so we could be a little lax. Finally it starts to snow and my fellow fremps and I decide we ought to leave before it gets too bad, so I get to leave work a tad early.
However, I wouldn't be me if I was too Sally Sunny. As I got in my car and began the drive home I noticed not a single plow had come by the roads, not a single speck of salt on the gravel. Maybe I'm thinking too much about what that mechanic said but now I'm kinda petrified that my car is going to spin out of control in such conditions, so I ride my brake practically all the way. I actually do pretty ok. I hit a few patches of slick snow that made my tires lurch but I recovered quickly. The only time I freaked a little was when I was making my way down the home stretch and I felt my car start to swerve uncontrollably. I had gotten a little too relaxed I guess and suddenly I was fighting with my car to keep it from careening into the cars next to me.
I finally make it home without another incident but it has officially started me thinking about trading in the old girl for something newer. Bigger. SUV-er. I know there's probably no chance I'd be able to find one 1.) around my area 2.) with low mileage 3.) of a later year 4.) and most importantly, well within my price range. My dream car right now would be a RAV4 or a CRV, but the only problem is, they seem to be alot of people's dream car, hence their rarity in the Used Car section. Even most car reviewers seem to agree at their all-around perfectitude. Plus it doesn't help that all I can really offer is my clunker and about $500 (oh yeah, and a crappy credit score). Ah well, at the very least it gives me something new to research at work.
Anyway, think I'll leave you with that for tonight- those last two posts were a bit on the lengthy-side, so I'll keep this one short. Stay tuned for next week's posts- My Very Own Christmas Stories, in which each night I shall regale a story about a Christmas in which there was one particular gift I HAD to have...and then what happened when I finally got it and the Christmas magic wore off. Have a good and safe one, and do me a favor NOT be in the stores on Sunday, as I am going to kill myself when I finally begin my Christmas shopping, uuugh.
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