I hate drunk-sleep. Drunk-sleep is in fact not sleep at all. It's more like your body just instantly shuts down. You aren't performing any normal internal body functions, you aren't resting. You are just unplugged. And man was I feeling it today.
I went out last night (hence the missing post) to lift a friend's spirit. Now, I realize it was in the middle of the week, but I normally tell myself it's ok, provided I keep it easy and keep chugging water. I did neither of these things, therefore I was paying for it all day today, including right now.
And this was really the day I wanted to be on my A game. Today was the day I was going back to the Broadcast Institute of Maryland to give them my first check and sign some preliminary papers. But I'll get to that.
I woke up with the feeling of hammers being chucked inside my head. I tried to pull myself out of bed, threw some breakfast down my throat and set off for work. My commute is usually about 15-20 minutes. For some reason today my mind wandered so far and so wide that at moments when I came back around to consciousness I realized I was STILL in my car. It felt like I had been sitting and driving for hours. Plus, it didn't help that there was freaking accident on a major side-road, causing a huge back-up.
I finally get in and all I want to do is lay my head down some more but anytime I found some peace I'd be scared away by someone. In one instance I had my head in my hand leaning it on a pipe in the stairwell when I suddenly heard someone open the door loudly, causing me to jump and continue walking. Even in the bathroom, as I was washing my hands I drifted over to the wall only to hear the door's security buttons beep, reawakening me and sending me on my way. I couldn't catch a break.
Then it looked like my boss was going to skip the day, allowing me to sneak out a little early to go home for a nap before my meeting. It was 11:12 and still no sign of him. Then suddenly, just as I had talked myself into the plan, he came strolling in. F word.
So I waited till the end of the day and realized I had to go home anyway to get my checkbook. I sit in the drive-home traffic, get home to put on some more makeup, and then get back in the car. According to Google Maps, the place should be 12 minutes away, but this being Baltimore, it ended up taking me over 20 minutes- causing me to be late for my appointment; and if there is anything I have been drilled about in the radio biz, it's the importance of being on time.
I finally see the place and park on a residential side road. As I'm walking in I noticed a boy of about 9 or 10 standing outside a store. I keep my eyes down and then I hear, "hello." Just like that. Not intonation otherwise. At first I play it like I didn't hear him. Again, I hear, "hello." I look up and realize his eyes are crossed but that his head is pointed towards me. Trying to be polite and not totally creeped out (btw I'm VERY sorry if this is offensive and I know he's probably a nice kid and his problems are not his fault), I say hello back.
"Watch what I can do." Again, no real intonation and again I sort of play it like I didn't hear him.
"Watch what I can do," he said again.
"Oh, I'm sorry but I really have to go," and keep walking. Now anyone who knows me should know already that I'm usually a nice person, but when it gets dark and I'm in an area I don't really know I like to be Unassuming Sally. Even though he was just a kid I still didn't really feel the desire to be playful. I am tired, nervous, and hungover. So go play somewhere else, Petey.
Anyway, things turned out about even at the Institute. I'll relay more info about it next week. Till then, I'm avoidin' the booze and hittin' the snooze.
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