Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bedtime Buddy

If there ever was a day that most tempted me into borrowing someone's cable, the day I was long fearing since I began this venture, it would be today...cold, rainy, no where to be, and Joe out in Ocean City till tomorrow.
But I managed to muddle through by reading this huge novel I've been chipping at for over a month. Then of course I ended up passing out on the couch, which ate up a little more time
The worst part about being alone is not the television temptation, though. It's the quiet. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that, after years of inundating my brain with episodes of CSI and Law & Order, I have become quite paranoid when left all alone. I tend to turn all the lights on, leaving radios blaring in every room, and trying to stay up as late as possible to avoid darkness.

This was one of the reasons we adopted a dog. I wanted some company whenever Joe was practicing late or had to go somewhere overnight. Thankfully we got the right dog for the job. In fact, I haven't even noticed my usual neuroses kicking in. I was even able to do my new shower aerobics.

Yeah that's my new thing: shower aerobics. Because my wonderful little watchdog jumps all over me thinking it's playtime whenever I try to do some crunches, I've had to resort to doing lunges and tae-bo kicks while shampooing and conditioning. In fact, I was in mid-side curl when I started to hear a scratching noise. It freaked me out enough that I stopped and peered around my shower curtain. When I looked I saw my underwear and sweatpants being tugged. Georgia was pulling my clothes under the door. For what, I have no idea. But it did make me smile.

Anyway, I'll leave you with that weird image- can't avoid the night anymore. Good night folks!

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