November already?? Yeah, I know I missed out on posting yesterday but I was so damn tired I couldn't handle it. Not just because of my crazy busy weekend, but because the allergy medication I had to take was knocking me out (more on that tomorrow).
As I mentioned before on Thursday, Friday Joe and I made the three hour trek to New Jersey for my cousin Graham's wedding. Despite my obsessive worrying about getting there before the reception was over, I was pleased that we not only made it in time, but a few minutes early. What's that you say? Me? EARLY? I know I was pretty shocked too. If ever there was a person who could be diagnosed as being on Dempsey Time, it's me. In fact, it's especially embarrassing when your friends know not to expect you for at LEAST an extra hour or so. I try to fight it, but I truly believe there is some force out there watching over all of us and whenever I try my damnedest to get somewhere on time or even early it points me out.
"Oh, the curly-haired girl with the glasses...That's her right? Ok, keep anything that might resemble a possible outfit away from her reach, throw her car keys behind the couch for some reason, and just to make ABSOLUTELY sure, toss on some late night unnecessary construction on the main highway. Is she pulling her hair out and cursing up a storm? Excellent. Good work team."
So my brother and Joe and I all walked up to the banquet hall searching for the entrance. Since it was cold we simply decided to just use the door in front of us. As I jostled the wedding gifts we opened the door to the buffet line. So much for a graceful entrance. My newly added cousin-bride was standing right there but thankfully she was very gracious and unfazed. Whew.
I had also been a little nervous about this wedding because I had shopped for a dress myself. This may sound completely natural and not note-worthy at all. However, as my sister Linds pointed out, "For the Dempsey aunts, weddings and holidays are like the Superbowl." They all take the time leading up to the event game-planning which of the numerous outfits they have bought for the occasion they will wear that night. It is pretty normal for phone calls to be exchanged as quickly and desperately as a hostage situation. We, the younger generation, have picked up where our aunts left off; discussing where to buy a nice dress, what to avoid, what the trends are, who used what coupon, etc.
Being in Maryland, and fashion inept, has its disadvantages in this sense. I was forced to meander over to Macy's by myself and sift through dress after dress, having no idea what exactly would look cheap or gaudy, too old or too young. I had tried to get a head start on it (see, I AM trying) by going to Forever 21 to find something, and I realized...it's name is misleading. There's no such thing as being 21 forever. In most cases with these clothes, you can barely be 18 and still pull it off. I tried on three different "dresses". One was too short to be a dress, one was too long to be just a shirt, while the last just made me look like Dina Lohan.
Luckily, I managed to get the approval of my coach, I mean mother, which is quite the compliment. All in all, it was great to bond with my cousins (many of whom actually read this damn thing, so HI COUSINS!) and my aunts and uncles (whom apparently refer to this thing as Conway Twittey. I'll take any support I can get, even the mislabeled kind.)
I am also going to take my family's advice and shorten this thing from now on (and not just ramble--oh, oh wait, too late). So, goodnite folks.
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