Happy belated Thanksgiving! I still can't believe the amount of food I put away. You know, normally I try to avoid eating potatoes, stuffing, and macaroni and cheese all at once but Thanksgiving is like a glutton's free pass. And was I a glutton, with double helpings of everything and a sliver of pumpkin pie as well. Jeeze, maybe I should've walked home from New York. And speaking of which..
Yes, I had a wonderful time visiting Joe's family upstate, and no, unfortunately I have no specific embarrasing tales to relay. I didn't spill hot gravy on Grandma, I didn't fall on Joe's mom's hurt knee, I didn't break one of his sister's brand new wedding gifts, I didn't even get a chance to screw up directions...damn you GPS. I got a chance to visit with everyone and the ploy to get them to like me continues.
In fact, whenever I'm in the presence of people that are not my closest friends or family but whom I want to like me I find I become a bit of a Teddy Ruxpin. I seem to have a few prerecorded responses that I deploy depending on the conversation. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, congratulations- you have entered into my "You're not going anywhere so I can be my lousy normal self around you," category. If you do, allow me to explain my certain catch phrases and why they bubble up...
1.) "Wow". You have just said something that elicits a positive yet amazed response. I will say "wow" for anything, usually being preceded by an "oh", from the fact you informed me you got an A on a massive paper i.e. "oh wow!" to the news you are pregnant, i.e. "oh WOW!"
*DISCLAIMER- The "wow" can also sometimes be used when responding to amazingly bad news. The tone here is quieter and deeper, i.e. "You broke your leg? Oh wooow"
2.) "That's awesome." You have just said something funny and when I feel laughing is not enough I will toss in a "that's awesome," i.e. "You showed up in your underwear? Hahhahaha......that's awsome."
3.) "That's great." You have just told me good news. I usually play with the timbre and length of this phrase, i.e. "But you're doin ok? Well, that's great!", or "You made the playoffs? That's greeaat!"
4.) "Really?" You have just told me something incredible. I don't know how else to show my impressiveness. But I AM impressed. It is usually followed by a "that's great," or "oh wow," i.e. "You were prom queen? Really?? Oh wow! That's great!"
5.) "Awww" Can be both for positive or negative connotation. You have just either said something cute about someone or something, or you have poked fun at yourself. "Little Darla's first words were 'pillowcase'? Awww" or, "He said you had chubby ankles? awwww."
I am trying to get off using these words, but they kind of act like my conversation crutches. When I am in fear of not being accepted I tend to lean on these phrases for support to limp through social interactions. But it's not because I don't care; it's more I worry I won't give the correct response so I simply jiggle the Magic 8 Ball and hope the right one sifts through the blue. I think I'm starting to get better about being comfortable around Joe's family. At least I'm not saying things like, "Oh, your flower bed was torn up by wolverines...hmm, 'please try again later'..?"
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