Saturday, April 24, 2010

Everything is Coming Up Milhouse...

First off, let me say hello and welcome to the...that's right...SECOND follower for this blog. Ahh, it feels good to be a winner...

Unfortunately, however, I am having a hard time thinking of something to write tonite. I'm gonna try and maintain writing every weekday (incl Friday), but last night was a little too crazy. So I guess I'll write about today, a.k.a. MY day.

You ever see that episode of CSI where everything goes Hodges way? He finds the dollar on the ground, that chick who looks like she came off a toothpaste ad from the 90s smiles at him, he gets three bags of chips from that single aforementioned dollar in the machine, all to finally come together when he solves the mystery of the Miniature Killer. (And I apologize for the massive spoiler if there was one). That was basically my day today.

At first it didn't start well. Last night we had plans with another couple at their apartment and as the wine kept coming my phone slipped out and I didn't notice till we were on our way home. (I don't why, but when I've had a couple drinks I am obsessed with making sure my essentials: wallet, car keys, phone, lip balm, make it back home-I think it's more because I HATE preventable accidents, it just pisses me off) So I went from being sweet towards Joe to being Pissy O'Bitch before we even got home--poor guy.

I was also stressed because Joe was leaving to film a festival in West Virginia so I had to hope that my friend would respond to the text I sent her on Joe's phone before he headed out. Luckily she did, and I was ready to get it. As I was driving my friend Ashley, who is so busy I usually don't get to see her often even though we live a baseball throw away from each other, was on her patio and waving me down. She was trying to call me, but after I explained why I wasn't answering we made plans to hang out at her restaurant after she was done with work. So that made me feel good.

Then, I picked up the phone (+ the case of beer that we originally brought for them but they said they really wouldn't drink it--Score!) and headed to my big mission for the day...finding a gift for my friend Kelly's son birthday. Again, I was feeling stressed. Maybe it's me, but I HATE trying to get gifts for others because I am always worried the person will hate the gift. I know it's incredibly irrational and a waste of worry. But fortunately I have stock piles of worry that are constantly refilled.

I was set at ease with a very pleasant and sweet message from Kelly so again, made my little self-esteem barometer raise a bit. THEN I get to the Babies R' Us (hoping to heaven like hell that his wish list would work there instead of TOYS R US which was way out in Jahomafuck) and (angelic ahhhh) they had the gifts I wanted to give him PLUS it was under my budget. Kick that Ass..

Then, after getting my free bread from Target (thank you coupon) I decided since Joe was not around to say things like, "come on let's go", or "don't you already have something like those?", or "you ever think that shoes are just made to give us bunions so we keep podiatrists in business?" I decided to stop over at DSW. I mean, even though I haven't technically worked there in over a month I did still have my discount card, so wouldn't I be foolish if I DIDN'T get myself a few more pairs of shoes before it ran out/they realized that very fact that I haven't work in over a MONTH. I had no choice if you think about it.

So I found two pairs (that I really did need) and a new bag (ok, I really didn't need that but what the hell). I walked up to the counter and as I pulled out the card I held my breath hoping a red-flashing light wouldn't go off and a massive message didn't flash on the register screen that said "THIS IS NOT AN EMPLOYEE SHE IS SCAMMING YOU OUT OF $20.97 WORTH OF DISCOUNTS". When that didn't happen of course, I walked out the door beaming.

And then finally, after the birthday party, I figured since I was going by my hair salon (and since I haven't had my hair cut since around Thanksgiving) maybe by some miracle they could fit me in. I walk in and the place looks deserted. Not only could I just walk-in, but the girl who cut my hair seemed the most educated and professional stylist I've ever had. She gave me tips on what I ought to be using, helped me figure out what was wrong with my last cut, and even read my mind by adding some layers in the back.

Ahhh, so NOW i am just chillin with my new episode of "It's Me or the Dog," looking forward to tonite. Could my luck turn tomorrow and be a fully-realized nightmare? Will I win the lottery? Guess you'll have to read on Monday...du du duuuuu

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