While doing some puppy shopping I found this picture. This damn dog is so ridiculously cute it's retarded, and figured I'd share it on facebook.
The problem with me is I always seem to lolly-gag when deciding what to post, as if it is some terrible and meaningful decision. Whereas most people don't hesitate a second to post what they ate for dinner last night or insist on posting literally every 10 mins (you know who you are), for me I feel like I'm saying "hey world, it's me and this is what I have to say about something random." And so I have mini panic-attacks whenever I think about something to post. I'm probably over-thinking this way too much, aren't I? Aren't I?? (p.s. 'aren't' is such a weird word, it doesn't look right even spelled correctly b/c it still looks like one of those archaic and obviously adopted words taken from another language)
Plus, I have the added pressure of being a former English major (and teacher) so I am obsessed with making sure my grammar is flawless and spelling is correct (it takes me 10 min just to make sure a 6 word status update is right). I've got friends still in the biz, and I always worry they'll call me out on it ("Uh Kris, it's spelled 'relevant' not 'relevent' and you made a comma splice in your complex sentence"..ahh English humor...)
Otherwise I have even been so frustrated to write something witty or topical that I'll press the Send only to look back and see a mistake. Then I feel like an idiot going back and deleting my own freaking post hoping 1. no one already saw it and 2. won't notice that I literally went back and wrote the exact thing but corrected.
But for this pic, I had something clever and funny in mind, but again I agonized over whether or not I should post it. I also worry that I'll offend the wrong people with my sometimes "dirty" humor. Not the whole public, mind you. I could give a crap about offending face-less strangers.
More likely would be extended and younger family members (who might not appreciate my bawdy humor) or my more religious friends (who have hopefully learned to ignore that part of my personality with a light chuckle and gentle tap on my shoulder as if to say "yes yes, I'm sure it will still be funny as you burn for eternity") lol.
So this is what I wanted to say...
"Wouldn't it be great if this was the face of God? Church attendance would be up because it would consist of playing with puppies every Sunday in honor of Him and hearing about priests' heavy petting wouldn't be a bad thing"
or something to that affect. Damnit, now that I read it it doesn't even sound that bad. So glad I wasted perfectly good worry on that.
Ahh who am I kidding, more will be on the way as soon as I post this. Now to spell check for an hour...
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