Monday, April 26, 2010

Mundane, Monday (Thoughts)

This day was seriously kicking my ass. Not because of anything bad, but because it was so damn dreary and cold, I felt like I was in a Charles Dickens novel, except there were no foppish characters and homeless children.
As a result of the weather, and the fact that my job tends to be monotonous my brain can't help but wander. The oddest things kinda came to mind, and I thought I'd share...
1.) The Seriously Little Mermaid- I'm not sure if this was ever brought to attention but seeing as how everyone already knows the urban legend of the perv priest, this probably isn't terribly shocking. But still...She was 16! You thought we would forget that in the span of 90 mins, Disney? I don't care how charming that damn crab and fish are, you don't stack a red-headed minor's clam shells like that (with a waist that could slip through bagel). As if girls didn't have enough impossible standards, they gotta deal with a freaking drawing. That's bad enough but then she gets married? I know, I used to think Eric was a hot too, but when you look at him closely, doesn't he look like he might be pushing towards 30? What is this, a movie for kids or a pitch for Lifetime Movie Network? I'm probably reading too into least the gold penis castle is cool.

2.) Puppies with plural names instantly get cuter AND way funnier- Consider: a dog named Jet or a dog named Sprinkles. You can not help but laugh and smile for Sprinkles. I thought about this after doing more puppy-hunting and found a dog named Snickers. I broke out into the biggest smile, it was almost good enough reason to fill out the application (except for the adoption fee...and that whole lifetime commitment thing). It really works for any plural noun...Peaches, Bubbles, or Smuckers (yes, with a name like Smuckers it has to be ADORABLE)

3.) Whatever happened to Hitler's body? This isn't so much a funny thought, I was seriously trying to go through my brain to figure out if I had ever learned what happened to him but I really don't think I did. You'd think for something so major as the death of one of the most treacherous human beings that ever crossed the earth would be well-documented. I'd be curious to hear the conspiracy theories that are associated with this. I'm sure I could find some stuff about it online, but I'm too lazy (plus I felt a little weird just looking for this picture. I figure if I ever end up dead and the CSIs decide to go through my computer records they will for some reason assume I was involved with a skinhead group). So if anyone out there does know what happened to his body, I'd like to know.
Ok, my hair is being pulled out in this towel, which I guess is my version of the music that plays at the conclusion of Dr. Katz's sessions (if you get THAT reference, I am impressed). Good night fair readers...

1 comment:

  1. congrats krissy- another follower yay!! im glad i was the first :-)
