Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tempin' Ain't Easy

Oh wait a minute, yes it IS!

For anyone keeping score, the past two years were rough career-wise for me. As grateful for the teaching and educational experience I am, it's not a secret that I'd wake up dreading the day. I couldn't really enjoy Fridays because ALL I would think about would be the fact that I'd have to be back there again and face another whole week in only 48 hours.

But, not wanting to be a quitter, I stuck it out. And when that last bell rang (or in our case the walkie talkie buzzed--that's another whole blog), and gathered up the rest of my stuff, I looked back at the school like the Tower of Terror at Disney--it gave me stomach-wrenching nerve pains before, made me terrified during, but proud that I endured and Goddamn grateful I never have to do it again.

Of course then the issue was money (and of course, figuring out what the hell to do with my life before I die). After tracking down a few job leads and attending a job fair, I began to slightly panic. Throughout the summer I was trying to collect odd jobs to somehow make a complete one...working at DSW, trying to edit and write for a woman's up-and-coming website, even trying to sell newspaper subscriptions at the local Shoppers (yeah that one was painful).

I remember telling Joe what I was looking for. "I just want a job right now that I don't have to feel too stressed about, make enough money to support myself with some savings, and give me some stability." Little did I know, like a little wide-eyed child that my wish would be granted by the Job Fairy.

As luck would have it I was on the LightRail with my friend Erica coming back from seeing Dionne Warwick during Artscape in the city and we were talking about our job situations. Suddenly a girl sitting a few seats away broke into our conversation...

"Are you looking for a job?" she said.

"Yeah, I am actually," I said. I didn't care if she was gonna offer me a spot of territory on the corner or storing crack in my butt, I was getting down to my last bit of savings.

"You know, I was having a hard time finding work too. You should try this temp agency. They set me up with a great job with the potential to hire plus benefits," she said jotting down a number on my notebook.

I really wasn't expecting what I got. After one random job and interview, I got a call from the girl at the agency with my dream temp job.

"It's great pay, laid back environment, and brisk commute." Sign me UP. It didn't take long for this job to get even better. The people are awesome and like to do stuff. I get a nice project that I can work on at a normal pace, and even occasionally surf the Internet.

So like a hair-regrowing product or weight-loss program, know that these results are not typical, but for me they're AWESOME. If you are looking for work, head to a temp agency. I have to agree with Mike Nelson from MST3K..."Tempin's great, man."

(Alright, I'll be honest...part of the reason I wanted to write this particular blog was because I really wanted to use the title. It was such a gem when I thought of it, I swear these puns are my art form of choice.)

P.S. Just had some more good luck despite this comp being weird. It decided to freeze right in the middle of doing some editing that was pissin me off AND it just decided to shut down while I was writing. But BOTH times it automatically saved what I was doing! God, where's the meteor that's gonna hit me, cuz this can't last...

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that's how you got your temp job, I remember that light rail ride.
