Friday, April 16, 2010

Review of the Weak

I was looking back already at some of my posts and realized that they're basically stories from my past. Instead, I vow here on in to write about the present. That's what these blog-diary things are supposed to be like anyway, right?

(And btw, I love that I keep writing this thing with an audience in mind. As of right now I am literally only talking to my sister, Hillary--hey sis! Even though I have about as much chance of people finding AND continuing to follow this blog as getting back a quarter I tossed out in space, it still somehow feels better to write like I'm talking to someone...eww did I just get too "poor me"? My apologies, Hill)

So, interesting highlights of this week include:

-Finally getting my voice back. I was struck by the strep last week and didn't get it back until around Monday or Tuesday. Which is a good thing, cuz I think the raspy, two-pack a day, gin-drinking voice was starting to get old for Joe. And kudos to Express Care! Not only were they open on Sunday (what?), they were open EASTER Sunday (let's add a "Say" to that "what"). Plus they were alot nicer than the people at Patient First (sorry to anyone who works/knows someone who works there--see I keep doing it...the imaginary audience, bah)

--Sick of seeing Wangs. (Nothing like sexual innuendo to capture attention) My job has me sifting through names from different countries all day and the section of Wangs is BRU-TAL. I don't mean to sound ignorant but seriously? I know we have alot of Smiths and Jones' but god damn...Can I get a Wangstein or a Wangington?

---Noticed a girl running...on the street...of York 4 p.m. Now, I am a runner (sometimes) and I understand the annoyance of trying to find a good route to run on without hassle, but I'm not really sure she has an excuse. I was literally about a foot away from clipping her with my car. I had to extend into the other lane just to avoid her (as did the dozens of others during rush hour). In instances like that, I'm sorry, maybe you deserve to get hit by a car...maybe it'll knock sense into you.

----Learning to edit. This just happened last night actually. Last Friday my friends (and hosts for the evening) Ashley and Lauren helped me realize an idea I had with Joe called "Stop n' Shot"- basically the premise is we go to three bars and have three shots under a certain theme (this one was "The Boys: Jack Dan, Jim Bean, and Johnny Walker"), and I film the whole thing. I got the clips together and started working on piecing them together on Movie-Maker. Hmm might have another thing to add to the ol' resume soon (or at least a new hobby).

And here we are at present-time. It's around 4:25 on Friday. I'm slouching here in my workout clothes, starving ,and waiting for Joe to get here so we can get some food, but he's not answering his

Well, that's all for now. See you all (see? still can't stop) back again soon. Maybe I'll try doing some pilates on 695...rush hour should just be getting good...


  1. Well! Aren't you a nice little blogger! LOL! I love reading blogs, so I'm sure I'll be back to check this out more.. Especially because it's always a nice way to check in on you.. and make sure you're alive.

    I miss you at High Road :(

    I'm glad you're feeling better! Urgent Care is better than Patient First. I went there when I sprained my knee because a friend works there.. and I was in and OUT in an hour! X-rays, bandage.. crutches and ALL WHOOT!

    HAH, anyway.. Just wanted to say HEY. And provide you with an audience!

    <3 Jes

  2. My friend Niki told me that the Jack Jim Johnny trio we did is called the Three Wise Men.

  3. way to go krissy! looks like its more than just me thats reading. i have already begun to make this routine, reading your blog. aww lil sis. keep it up. love from brooklyn xoxo
