Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hottie Baldies

Back when ER was just beginning to get to the height of its popularity I remember my mom once commented on one of the actors. No, not George (though she admitted he was gorgeous). Not Noah Wylie (she said he was cute.) No, the guy she said was Anthony Edwards (or as she called him, "that sexy bald doctor."

Now granted, I was still languishing over an embarrassing crush on Dean Cain at the time, so I couldn't really see what my mom saw in that guy, esp because he was (*gasp) BALD. But now that I'm older and slightly wiser, I can see what she saw in him. Guys are usually so paranoid about losing their hair, but as I was watching SVU I realized that bald men can be just as sexy as hair guys--sometimes even sexier. It got me thinking about compiling a short list of the cutest cue balls out there...

Detective Elliot Stabler-
His smoky stares, his tight angry voice, his gun handling (wink) and ESP the way he slams pedophiles into metal grates...ooh, hottie mchotterstein. Plus you gotta love the episodes where he's working out. He may have lost his hair, but he gains total sex appeal.

John McClane-
I don't really consider myself a "guy-movie" fan, but when I saw Die Hard, I got a serious crush on John McClane (or McClain, whatever, not the point). It took just a quick second of seeing him all greased-up and hearing his quippy one-liners and I was a goner. (Let me just emphasize, it's not necessarily Bruce Willis I've got it in for, it's the bad-ass-but-has-a-good-heart character)

Agent Smith-
Yeah yeah I can hear the rumble of disagreement. But consider this: He's well dressed, wears awesome shades and has more balls than Keanu in all three movies combined (You can't tell me you didn't get a funny feeling when he'd slam his fist into someone and take over their life-force or whatever--such power and anger)- His bad-ass-ittude is off the charts and therefore incredibly sexy. So what if he wants to destroy the world? We can overlook that can't we?

Miles (from Sideways)

Ok, now before you turn on me let me preface by saying Miles may not seem like an obvious choice for a fantasy romp, but you've got to consider his character. Paul Giamatti is a brilliant actor anyway, and he really brings Miles to life. He is able to combine a comfortable humor with a deep sentimentality. His vulnerability is apparent (particularly in the scene when he and Mia are out on the porch and talking about why they drink wine) and makes one want to touch his face and make him smile. There is such a depth to him there that is almost looks as if it was taken from a painting. (ok, maybe he's not a sex-pot, but I haven't seen Shoot 'Em Up yet, but I am sure that would def make him a qualifier)

Hopefully we have learned to embrace our hair-challenged men and led them to understand that we women do not find fault with them. Confidence, gents, is the key to sexiness. It's not on what top that matters, but what you have on the inside. (aww, such a Springer Final Thoughts moment)

Please note: These are the opinions of the writer and not necessarily the opinions of others...but they SHOULD be. If you have any other famous men who you think should be included, please pass 'em along!

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