Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stream On

I'm not gonna lie. I kinda don't feel like writing tonite. In fact, I've been having a hard time motivating myself at all today. And yet, I think I've been pretty productive: worked, made meatloaf for dinner, edited...and now writing. So since I'm lacking cute little wordplays and puns, I'm gonna pull out a blogger's failsafe--the old stream of consciousness.

I'm watching Chopped right now, and becoming amazed at really how many food products I simply don't find appetizing. Oyster sauce? It reminds me of clam juice. Not that I've ever had either but it doesn't really sound like something you want to slurp through a straw does it? My first boyfriend Mike introduced me to a couple of odd sodas. One was a kind he LOVED called Manhattan Special, a.k.a. coffee-flavored soda. Even just thinking about that takes me right back to being 16, sitting in the front seat of his BMW, cruising around Red Bank or down to the pier in Highlands. I was getting lost in my memories of him the other day too actually when Billy Joel's "New York State of Mind" came up on my iPod.

Anyway, the other soda he introduced me to, and hopefully I will never taste it again, was a celery soda. If you can imagine carbonated grass clippings, you're right about there. Ugh.

I hate tofu too. I think it's partly a consistency thing (little brick sponges) but it doesn't seem to have much flavor. I mention this because one of the ingredients was something called tofu skin. Was that necessary to create? I'm sure it's the kind of thing that if you know what you're doing then it can be tasty, but I'll pass for now.

Ok, no more Chopped. I shouldn't even be watching Food Network. I'm dying for a 11 p.m. snack, but seeing as how I quite literally ate half a meatloaf with mashed potatoes, I prob don't need that small bag of Cheetos.

Oh, and btw my throat is STILL sore. I had strep about three weeks ago, and before you ask, YES i did take all the medication. but it feels like Mike Tyson's Knockout (or is it Punchout? Game-nerds, help me out here)...the medicine was in the process of a KO when it took a gulp of water and at the last second the illness got back up and smashed medicine's jaw.

I did think tho that maybe it had something to do with the way I have been sleeping. You ever notice how your sleep habits change? I used to always be a side-sleeper. Then around college I found myself always pulling myself onto my stomach. Then I couldn't sleep without putting a pillow, comforter or something else between my knees (Insert Inappropriate Quip Here). Now I have to physically hold my extra pillow in my arms. I wonder what that means...

Now I'm watching Will & Grace. I used to really love this show and find it hilarious. But I watch it now and its kinda borderline annoying. The jokes can be seen coming a long way (and ironically this is where the writers would probably make Jack pop out saying something obvious about "coming" and "long"). But it's this or Golden Girls...and I still have a few years before I can quote this as well.

And now it's midnight. Well guys, sorry if this one was kind of a dud. I'll try to be more on my game tomorrow. Until then, goodnight my magical three!

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