No specific topic tonight. I think I'll just relay the quirky or interesting tidbits of my day. Starting with the night...
It was weird. As I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom before bed last night I started to feel a tad woozy. Not like I was going to pass out, but just like I was in the Tilt-a-Whirl a few too many times. I didn't really think much of it until I tried to go to sleep. I laid on my back staring into my ceiling as if in a trance. I looked over to my window and it felt like I couldn't really focus on it. That ever happen to you? It reminded me alot of when you've had that one too many and you get "the spins". I HATE the spins because then your last chance for relief is taken from you and you have to sit up like a zombie waiting for the alcohol to finally move along.
Anyway, eventually I fell asleep only to be abruptly woken up to the blaring sound of ACDC on my clock radio. Somehow it was set for 12 midnight so Joe and I both popped up out of a sound sleep. I stumbled over to hit it off and fell back into bed. THEN I was pried awake by Georgia's nails on my leg and wet nose on my arm. At some point she had snuck into bed with us and burrowed into my sheets. I was a little miffed, and then when we heard a sharp bark come from the comforter I was even more so. But I couldn't stay mad then...
Finally as I was driving to work I realized we have now turned another corner in our quest for stupid diagnoses. I was listening to the news and they reported how the newest disorder affecting Americans is "Selective Food Disorder", or the "umm can I have that on the side?-disorder" I am a picky eater, but I'm not about to start labeling myself with a fancy disorder. Now finicky eaters have their very own illness they can parade around with. I swear, if anorexia is Catholicism, selective food disorder must be Episcopalian.
Anyway, work was pretty uneventful so I rushed home to beat the rain and darkness to take the dog for a jog when I get the text from Joe that reads, "U r gona b mad at pupy- she ate one of ur boots." I've come home a few times and discovered Georgia had gnawed on one of my boots (usually my rain boots for some reason) but never has she been THIS destructive. She had chewed off the top seam of my rain boots and had then proceeded to chew off the lining inside my leather boots. GRRR.
Luckily by the time I got home Joe had already done a good job of letting her know she did wrong, and she knew. We only had to both walk outside to where she was playing, stand with our arms at our sides or folded, and she knew she had done wrong. Worse, I'm still such a sucker for her cute face that when I try to be serious she knows exactly how to get me to soften. Those big dumb ears flatten, she makes her eyes as big as saucers, and she even quivers. I'm a goner and while I let her know I'm mad it's not long before I start cuddling. Which is exactly what happened.
But anyway sorry this wasn't a set topic. We'll see what tomorrow brings...