1. "Jump" by Van Halen--I used to love this song. The sound of that rockin synthesizer used to
get me so pumped up, I'm brave enough to say I tried to do that high-kick jump off my bed. Now, when I hear it I have to change the channel. What I used to love now annoys the crap outta me. Oh well...might as well jump...

2. "Karma Chameleon" by Culture Club--This wasn't like "Jump", this
was literally the first song I was OBSESSED with. I had never seen anything like Boy George before. I was coming from a childhood where my mother banned MTV because she thought it was too racy for us kids (and this was at a time BEFORE horny co-eds had nothing better to do than get wasted everyday and punch each other in the face...what show am I talking about? Does it matter? Take your pick)

3. "Josie and the Pussycats" Soundtrack--I never even saw the movie, but on a trip to Florida I
met up with my friend Meghan and a few of her friends and she introduced me to it. They apparently had been listening to it the practically the whole trip...I can't really explain this one, or why I loved it so much. Maybe it was b/c we were in Florida, or the first taste of freedom, but all I know is I actually continued to listen to it for a while until it finally got scratched beyond recognition and the spell was broken. Honestly the cynical music (and movie) lover in me must've wept with relief, but I stil don't think I can let myself live down that one...

4. "Charlie's Angels"--I look at movies today, especially remakes, with a bit of a judgemental eye. But back in High School I freakin LOVED this movie. Again, not really sure wh
y. Maybe cuz it actually had girls kicking ass (a rarity). And really that was prob its only redeeming quality. But if I look at the story now, I get so annoyed. It seems like a caricature of itself, so overdone and yet thin. Esp the dialogue (if I had to hear that whiny baby-talk and obnoxious way Cameron Diaz said "Chaaliee" i think i'd have to saw my ear off with a butter knife).

So there they are...my youthful follies. Maybe they aren't so bad to some of you...maybe you even like these things. I guess they will always have a weird place in my heart, like a scar that never goes away but reminds you of who you once were and where you came from. Wow, that's probably the deepest anyone would ever go after just talking about David Lee Roth and and a crappy remake of an Archie-comic-character-band. But I'm woman enough to admit mine. What are yours huh?
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