Thursday, May 13, 2010

From Work to WooHoo!

Hello loyal blog readers! Again, I must pass along my apologies for another missing blog. Let's just say that from now on if I'm lacking an entry one of two things happened: 1.) I was unexpectedly detained or 2.) I was pulled away from my butt-printed sofa by a bunch of blood-thirsty yet forgetful pirates who took me and then forgot why and dropped me back of a couple hours later in the night.

Since the latter hasn't happened in a while, you can assume I was detained. And rather unexpectedly as well. What was supposed to be a quick drink w/ some colleagues at work turned into a night of boozing I haven't had in a freakin while. And that gave me the idea for tonite's blog.

I woke-up this morning, eyes wide and felt the cold familiar chill of leftover alcohol on my skin and terror. Immediately my mind begins doing (as it usually does after a night out) of mentally running through the night and checking for embarrassing moments. But this was doubly important since I was out with people I work with, and was sick to my stomach with worry that I had just single-handedly blown the best job I've had in years. (As usual my reaction was really an OVER reaction...but still I was concerned)

It's always strange to me how most of us keep our work lives and social lives stringently separated-- we don't want our work people to see how we really are-- and yet very often the two worlds are forced to collide: office birthdays, anniversaries, first days, last days, etc. But these gatherings are usually pretty tame. So how do you manage when you are asked to go out for what you think will be a quiet drink and it turns into classic carousing? And even more nerve-wracking when senior members are doing the pouring?

It reminded me of the times when my parents would be out and my sisters and I would try to get our dog Abigail to come into the living room (a place she had been iron-clad trained never to enter). I can imagine the horrible torture we put that poor dog through...tempting her with treats just to see if she would break her training. And you know she only did it ONCE, she was so good. I wish I had the resilience of a dog... I miss her

But we all probably face that same odd situation-- you want to be liked by your peers but you ALSO don't want them to see you doing karaoke to Journey and lose respect for you.

Back in college when I went to write for the Towerlight I had the same fears when asked to hang out with our senior editors Lauren and Mike. Yeah it was a club, but still it was learning how to behave in an actual office setting and I didn't really know how to balance my brashy side from my office side. But when our location for hanging out was Tigerfest I pretty much tossed much of my cautions to the wind and actually gained some great friends. I still look at Lauren sometimes and think how intimidated and nervous I used to be around her, my "authority figure".

Same thing happened when I went to work at the school in Dundalk and met Kelly. She's only a few years older than me yet she's already so accomplished with a husband and one child at the time. She took me under her wing and so I saw her in a very "boss" like-light. In fact, most of the people there, even the younger ones (like you Jess!) were so put together and professional I found myself trying like hell to measure up. And then the day of our summer party came and I found myself in the same ol' predicament. I want these guys to respect me but yet I keep getting beer handed to me. (Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like anyone was forcing me at all) So what do you do? You want to fit in without crossing into "who the hell IS this person?".

And anyone who has gone drinking with me knows, without claim of over exaggeration, I can get hammered off 2 beers. That brings around another problem. You try to pace yourself yet if people are like "hey how bout a third round" and everyone else could recite the Gettysburg address, you're yammering on about wanting to VISIT a Gettysburg address. Doesn't make for much fun company (unless you're the entertainment).

So what can you do? I don't really know if there is really a way around it. You just go out to see what the feeling of your peers are and basically play along. And if they are the laid-back, have a drink on me, kind of people, there's no harm in letting your hair down...provided you are always trying to keep at their level.

I look back on it now and still shake my head at some of the things I said and did...but truthfully (and as far as I know) it has never affected my work-life. In fact, in some cases I feel I was welcomed into the fold more. I think that will be the case with last night, but I'll have to let you know.

Anyways, like I said, I'm still nursing this hangover, so byesey bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. krissy when they are ordering a third round just be like, oh im so thirsty, can i have a club soda with lime this time?

    btw i was hungover yesterday too. how strange! but im sure i had more than two beers- more like four beers, two glasses of wine, a slice of pizza and a hookah bar.
