Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Moody Trudy

Yes, once again I am late to write. But I have an excuse because yesterday was Joe's 30th Birthday!!! You know, the fact that he's older has always been something that we'd joke around about and occasionally bring up when we'd be talking about our respective childhoods (like the fact that mine included He-man and She-ra while his had Quantum Leap). But now that he is officially in a new decade bracket, somehow it really makes it sink in.

I worry I'm holding him back sometimes. I know his friends are getting married and having kids now while I'm still gazing into the future. But I just have to hope that my assurance will be enough for him for now...along with some birthday presents.

Speaking of birthday presents (like the segue? sp?) am I the only one who kinda hates buying presents? I'm pretty sure I mentioned this in a previous entry, but I get so worked up about getting the right gift, or enough or a gift or too much that it takes all the fun (?) out of giving a present. I had that same worry yesterday.

Because our weekend was kinda packed: Friday we went to the movies, Saturday was the Preakness and we kinda just recovered lazily on Sunday, I still had to get one or two more gifts (Here's the thing- Joe ALWAYS goes over the top, which is incredibly sweet and thoughtful but it does put me in the spot to make sure I can match, if not surpass, a gift for him)

I had gotten him two things already: a wallet and a frame for his registration certificate for X-treme Ghosthunting (if you don't kno what that is I'll fill you in at a later time). So I had something useful and sentimental. Now I wanted to get him something fun AND something he actually wanted.

So yesterday I was trying to finish up my work so I could bolt out of there, pick up the last few things, get home to clean a bit, and then relax before we went out. Well, first my work was taking FOREVER. Then my computer decided to take about a freaking eternity and a half to shut down. I don't know why but I started to feel the gloomiest doom (the shitty weather might've had something to do with it as well).

I ran into Wegman's, which was cart to cart in all the aisles. (I have a question, why do people put their carts RIGHT in the middle of the aisle so its impossible to pass them...or even better, when they are sifting through their Bible-sized amount of coupons while I'm sitting there leaning on my cart handle waiting for them to notice so I can squeeze by? Ugh...mood continues to plummet)

Then I grab lunch for myself (cuz Joe said he was prob gonna be at school till 2:30) and finally head home...and who's there already?? It might be my own weird thing, but I always feel so guilty showing up at home with food for just myself if Joe's (or anyone else is) home. I feel like a bad owner who's torturing her puppy dog, starving at her feet (yes def melodramatic but its freaking tru) But luckily he ate already and all he wants to do is just veg for a while.

Now I've been getting kinda crappy sleep lately. So when we laid on the couch I could feel myself about to doze off, until I realized...FUNGOOL, I still have to go get his last presents. So I rally myself up in my rain boots and fleece and walk to Target. After deliberating for a good 20 mins on what to get, I head back home.

"We should get going soon, do you need to get ready?" Joe says. I just finished wrapping his gifts and even tho I managed to write out the card sincerely AND humorously, my mood was pretty bleak. I tried to cover it up with a smile but he could see right through me (as he always does, I swear the man reads me like a book). I tell him I'm fine just really in a weird mood. He offers to let me stay home, but there was no way I was doing that.

So I dolled myself up in the sluttiest outfit I'd let myself wear and we headed out. At first the night was rocky but as we saw more and more people I actually started to have a good time...until around midnite. As if in the fairytale my light bubbly mood turned back into a sour pumpkin. Joe could tell I was getting tired and after he had had the rest of his birthday shots we headed back home.

I still don't really know what caused that mood. Like I said, besides the minor annoyances of everyday life, nothing awful happened to make me so pissy. I guess they just come and go like the tides, except not so regularly, although I do tend to pull other people down into my vast abyss (that's a good Scrabble word..have to remember that)

And speaking of pulling down I think it's time for me to pull myself down...into bed. And you too! Goodnite, you princes of Maine...you...wait, how'd the rest of that go? Great, now I'm pissed again. (lol, j/k...?)

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