Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday Thoughts

As I've mentioned a few times, my job has me looking at names for about 8 hours a day. You may assume it would be mind-altering-ly boring, but actually I come across some interesting little surprises. Once while I was (legitimately) looking up an hospital I came across a rather interesting article...

If you don't feel like clicking the link, it's basically an article about a vicar who was hanging curtains in his kitchen (...naked) and fell on a potato, getting it lodged right in the ol' Yorkshire pudding hole (and I found this only a few weeks into the job).

That article aside, the most commonly interesting things we come across are odd names similar to celebrities...Julia Roberts, for example. Leslie, my coworker found a good one the other day (Mighty Fine...yes, she swears that was the name, but unfortunately there was no pic so she's not sure if it was a guy or girl).

Today I found a pip- Melody Music. First name Melody, last name Music. Doesn't it sound like a character on a kiddie show? Either her parents were musicians that had their last name changed for shits and giggles, had a sick sense of humor, OR (if she was married) should get a lottery ticket for marrying a guy with such a perfectly matchable name. But that's not even the best part...she lived on Minor Ave. (as in a kind of music key), AND 747 Broadway (umm as in where MUSICAL MELODIES are played?!?). Classic, you can't make this crap up.

Then after I got over the amazement of that, I started thinking about something else. You know I'm pretty critical about today's music. And I think part of the reason is the false hope these damn songs give me. I hear a song and the first bars sound so good and interesting...and then it all goes to whiney-yarling-generic HELL. While I was considering that, The Police's "Wrapped Around Your Finger" came on the radio. It took me a second to recognize it, cuz I had to fast forward through the intro through my brain to get to the bridge. I have to do that with a few of their songs, and that's when I realized something--while most bands can develop a good beginning their end delivery is crappy, while The Police kinda have the opposite problem...their beginnings are kinda unpleasant frankly, but once you get past it, their songs are really interesting AND accessible. If current music is chocolate covered crap cordial, The Police are like a crap covered nougatty caramel delicacy. You get through it and you get a delightful payoff. Current music may goes down easy but at the end of the day...its crap. Too critical? Eh whatever.

Maybe I'm too much of a stickler. And maybe I'm too young to be a stickler...but I'm really not that young anymore am I? You know I still think I feel about 18, which is maybe why I get so frustrated when my body or skin changes. Even the people I consider "older" are really not that far beyond me. And yet I still always try to be ultra-lovely and mind my manners. I've noticed that especially in this office. I'm not that much younger yet I still feel like I need to make sure I'm polite, as if I'm around relatives I barely see and I'm looking at a dirty glare from my mother if I don't say "please" and "thank you." In school it's so easy to see the distinction. But out here in the real world, it's like suddenly you are just lumped together in the masses of "adults". It's a weird sensation, but I guess it's all part of growing up. I am still growing up aren't I?

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