Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday Wonderings...

My mind has the tendency to wander from topic to topic, especially at work. So I figured I'd share some random thoughts that came to me (in no particular order...)

1.) Coffee- I never used to understand what the big attraction to coffee was. The few times I tried it in the past it I could never get past the bitterness of it. Even after putting packets of sugar and milk in it, I couldn't believe that people could drink gallons of it in a single day. But when Joe and I visited his aunt she made us breakfast and coffee. Not wanting to be rude, I accepted the cup and was shocked at how good it tasted. I still didn't have it often, until recently. I was at work with what I had to assume was on incoming migraine. My coworker Leslie offered me some migraine tablets and suggested I have coffee with it (apparently the caffeine helps). In a few minutes I felt like I was tripping. My head felt light, my hands felt heavy, and started get the worst kind of giggles. I was freaking out, and trying desperately not to bring attention to myself in our silent office. I had never really had that feeling before, but I noticed it again today. Maybe it was because all I had was a bowl of cereal and a banana all day. Whatever, either way, it was kinda cool. Made looking at names all day a bit more interesting...

2.) Jethro Tull v. Metallica- I was listening to "Cross-Eyed Mary" by Jethro and suddenly remembered something. Remember that whole controversy when Jethro Tull won best new metal album or whatnot instead of Metallica? Ok, fine do you remember that VH1 countdown of lease metal moments where they talked about it? Yeah, at the time I totally understood and even (gasp) sided with Metallica. Maybe they are considered more "metal" than Jethro Tull (yeah, they ARE more metal) but that was at the time when all I heard from them was "Enter Sandman" (which I'm so sick of now). Plus tag on their pathetic attack on Napster which just made them look like assholes, and I really lost alot of respect for them. Besides, it's not easy rocking out with a flute (you gotta give 'em extra points for THAT at least).

3.) Sometimes there are some down moments at work, so we are kinda free to roam around the internet. Well a while back Joe's friend Greg showed us a site called "", which is basically like CollegeHumor of eBaum's World (and if you don't know what those sites are, you prob wont get this site-basically its funny pictures and videos posted daily). I never look at the videos, but the pictures are kinda easy to flip through and get a cheap laugh. And most importantly, they usually aren't TERRIBLY racy, so I feel ok about looking at them at work. Of course, as is my shitty-ass luck, I'm going through some and spot one that has the headline "Mating Fail." And, also of course, my computer decides to freeze up with the picture of the giraffe humping a water buffalo...and finally...that's when my boss walks back in from lunch...Chhrrrrrrist. I'm sitting there turnin beet-red and trying like hell to close out-damnit-close out and open Yahoo News like a decent worker. Thankfully, he didn't notice or at least had the kindness not to call me out on it...

Yup, that's what I think about at work. And just think...I'm getting PAID to think about this crap.

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