Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Water Waiter

You know how they say that need is the mother of invention (at least I think that's the way that saying goes). Well, it really is true. On several occasions I will be doing something and right as I'm getting frustrated at it not working well or properly, I really want to look up into a camera and say, "There's got to be another way!"

Except what I actually need isn't least, not yet. I've come up with some invention-ideas that, I think at least, are brilliant. Here are a few of my favorites...(oh yeah, and if anyone out there gets a hold of these ideas and actually CREATES them, I want a cut...I've got all 5 of these readers as witnesses)

1. The Water Waiter- This was prob the first idea I ever had. I remember it came me to while visiting my Nana and Pop's pool. They had all kinds of water toys like inner tubes and rafts, and usually my sisters and I would race for who would get what. And then we would proceed to float around for hours...except when we were hungry or thirsty. I always used to wish we had a floating cooler. But I didn't stop there. I thought about attaching small cup-holder things that would detach and had a small fan on each. They'd be powered much like a remote control car. A person could maneuver their drink right to them! Think about're relaxing but really want a soda? Well, a person puts one in the cup holder and then it comes right to you! It's a water waiter! Yeah i know what the cons are: you need someone to actually put your drink in the holder, you need to remotely control a cup holder, and you need to put the control somewhere...and I'm sure there are scores of other things I'm not thinking of.

2. The Carpet Stick- Unlike the Water Waiter, this one Joe and I actually tried to make a prototype. I thought of this when I'd be vacuuming and noticed that our vacuum wasn't sucking up the smallest pieces of lint and hair. It was so annoying, all I kept thinking about was how I needed a lint brush. And then it hit me...I needed a giant lint stick roller that I could use on the carpet to pick up what the vacuum left behind. It seemed like such an obvious solution, yet I had never seen one. I told Joe and after he agreed at its ingeniousness, we went out to the Home Depot to buy a paint roller stick, a smaller hand-held paint roller, and alot of duct tape. I was all set to make an appointment with Black and Decker when we made a quick stop at Target...and then my hopes came crashing down. Right there in the sponge and broom aisle was EXACTLY what I had in mind. So with a heavy heart, and a speedy return of my supplies, I bought my own invention. And even though it satisfies the need I had, I can't help the pangs of bitterness I feel with each roll on the carpet.

3. The Hug Pillow (a.k.a. "The Huggie")- I thought of this one last night actually (and what sparked this blog). This may sound like Too Much Information, but I have the tendency to put pillows, blankets, or whatever between my knees when I'm trying to sleep. It's something about the pressure points there that makes it uncomfortable for me to sleep without some kind of support. However, I also like sleeping with my arms wrapped around something. I noticed that the shape of the pillows around me were almost a half circle. So what I needed was a circular-shaped pillow! I've tried "body pillows" before but they tend to be just longer pillows. I really want something that kinda cradles your whole body--kinda like a big Hug! (I can't imagine the Snuggie people passing this bad-boy up--be a great addition to bolster their faddish idea).

I doubt any of these get-rich-quick ideas will actually let me get rich or quickly. Besides the fact that I'm lazy, I have no clue on how to actually produce the mechanical aspects of them. Maybe I could just get a job at a think tank that pays me for my ideas. Oh well. Black and Decker, look me up...


  1. love it! have you heard of these? smittens!! lol

  2. Holy crap that's genius. It reminds me of a sweeter version of the Love Seat Toilet from SNL, lol. Thanks for the tip!
