Yuck, what a miserable Monday. Not that it was particularly bad, but weather-wise, it's pretty dismal: cold, rainy, dark. We seemed to have completely skipped over Indian Summer and fell right into early winter. But I think it's supposed to warm up a tad, so maybe we can dry ourselves off.
So since I can't think of a particular topic, Ill just dive into a weekend wrap-up...
We are finally into October (where the hell did September go??), but actually I really like this month. There are so many events to look forward to: Fells Point Fest, Renaissance Fest, a visit to Gettysburg, Hershey After Dark, going apple and pumpkin picking, our anniversary, etc. It's because of these annual events that I love this month so much. Joe, on the other hand, loves it because this is the month where he gets to torture me with horror movies, the only month out of the year I agree to watch them.
True to form, Joe was practically counting down the days till it was finally October and sure enough as soon as Friday rolled around, off we went to the movies. At first we stopped by Chilis for dinner but since the wait was pretty long we decided to go to the movies to get the tickets first and then come back. As Joe ran inside to get the tickets (and I quietly hoped that the movie would be sold out all opening night) I peered up at the other titles on the marquee. It was a surreal feeling. I didn't recognize 90% of the movie titles, and the ones I had heard of were simply because of passing billboards or Internet ads. I mentioned this to Joe as he jogged back to the car, victorious with two tickets in his hand (damnit).
"Well, yeah. We aren't being drilled with the information anymore." It's one of those oddities I hadn't expected when I gave up television.
Anyway, dinner was good (even tho we were late to be called) and actually the movie wasn't horrible. It definitely had its horrific moments, but it's storyline was unique and even...charming. I'm not saying I'd ever want to rent it, or even necessarily see it again, but at least it wasn't gore for gore's sake.
Saturday morning arrived and I was exhausted. It took me forever to finally get up and when I did it was because we were due to appear at our next October event, Fells Point Fun Fest. Now this is an event that we stumbled upon years ago after spending a boring afternoon trying to find something to do. We decided to just check out Fells Point for the day and happened upon rows of boutique stands and food vendors, art showcases and books for sale, and all about were hundreds of people, children, and dogs shopping and taking in the sights. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we made it a point to do it again the following year. And so we had for several years.
The one reason this year was to be so special was because we finally had a dog of our own to showcase and we were excited to let Georgia come along. So after spending a few minutes trying to get the dog prepared with her harness and leash we set off to meet up with Joe's friend Jeff and some mutual friends of theirs.
We had both been quite chilly in the morning so we erred on the side of caution by wearing sweaters and hoodies, thinking that it would be even cooler by the water. As we made our way from Little Italy to Fells Point, the sun was beating down on us directly. It wasn't long before we were trying to roll up our sleeves and cursing our clothing options.
But other than that the day was quite enjoyable. Georgia did surprisingly well meeting other dogs. Nervous, but not nippy or growly. It is weird though how you tend to take for granted your freedom without a dog. Georgia, still in her puppyhood, was pulling this way and that, stopping to sniff every butt or patch of grass she could, or else launching herself ahead to meet another dog. It was fine most of the time, however I became a bit more anxious when the crowd thickened and was forced to carry her some of the way.
In any event, the day was beautiful and after a few hours we headed home with the promise of mowing and weed-whacking the lawn on our lips, but as soon as I went upstairs, I was a goner, and promptly fell asleep.
Ok, I'll stop there to prevent this thing getting too long. Tomorrow: my battle with the weeds and my self esteem. Tune in.
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