I might need a ruli
ng on this, but I've been watching episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 online...is that cheating? Technically the show's been off the air for years, so it couldn't be a show I'd normally watch. Besides, since the majority of the show is a movie, does it really count as television-watching? I'm not sure, but seeing as how the colder months are coming up fast, I'm going to just say they don't. But speaking of MST3K...

If you aren't a fan and have never heard about it, it's basically a show about this guy and his robots (puppets) in space that are being chased by an evil woman named Pearl Forrester who forces them to watch bad movies. The fun part? You get to hear their hilarious riffs while you suffer through the movie with them. Such a genius show, I don't know why it got cancelled.
Anyway, they also sometimes show some "shorts" in addition to the movie. I caught one, which must've dated back to the early 50s, and was a sort of PSA meets after-school special about marriage. I was amused at the outdated-ness of it (as were the guys on the show), however it made me think about marriage as a whole.
I know I haven't been the biggest supporter of marriage; in fact, I've been downright terrified and critical of it. I've often tried to pin down where all this fear stems from. Theoretically, I should be delighted at the thought of marriage; my parents are still married, Joe's parents are married, and most of the people in my family are still married. So why the fear? I guess because there is such pressure to maintain a marriage. And anyone who knows me knows I'm not big on the whole "pressure" thing.
And I guess I'm critical because I've seen people get married for the wrong reason (and hence, divorce). I could never understand these girls that married right away, after barely knowing the guy. It seems they are more doing it for the novelty and not the real commitment. They don't think, as they look around at their multi-million dollar wedding, and take John Doe's hand, look into his eyes, and say the overly-rehearsed vows....I'm going to be with this man for the REST OF MY LIFE. Not just as he is now, strapping and confident, but later on...when he's shuffling about and incontinent, mumbling on about which diner sells the best scrambled eggs and telling you the same story for the 34th time...that day.
I've been to several weddings and there are more still to come. And here I sit on the bench, clutching my hesitation like a glove to my chest, and watch. Luckily, these weddings consisted of people who really did see the person for who they are before taking to the alter, like my cousins and Joe's family and friends.
Meanwhile, as I watch more and more so n' so hyphen so n' sos appear on Facebook, I've been with Joe as long if not longer than these people, I have to ask myself why do they not feel the fear I do?
Maybe because they know something I don't. It's like going into the deep end of the pool for the first time. You take what you know, close your eyes, hold your breath, and take the plunge...and then just hope you made it through alive.
Wow, sorry if this was a lame duck, folks. What can I say? They can't all be winners. I'll bring the funny tomorrow.
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