Monday, October 25, 2010

Boo Time

Not sure what the hell I did to my format. I was looking at other people's blogs and love how unique they made them so I tried tinkering with it back on Thursday. Unfortunately, I couldn't really figure it out before I decided to close down for the night, so I guess it save whatever changes I made. If anyone has any insight or (the better option) wants to design mine for me, I have a crisp $1 with your name on it. Ok, enough business, onto the blog...

So much happened this weekend that it would probably require multiple posts to get it all, so instead I'll simply recap one momentous and (hopefully) amusing experience.

In case anyone was not aware, Joe and I took a small overnight trip to Philly with our married friends, Shawn and Carly, to experience the Eastern State Penitentary. This came about a few weeks ago while the four of us were out in our yard having a few beers and shooting the shit. Shawn and Carly were discussing their love of a "good scare", especially in the form of local haunted house-productions. You know the kind where people dress up and appear around the corners or pop out of the walls?

They encouraged us to come along with them sometime, at which point I thoroughly, but politely, declined. Moments later they mentioned how they were planning to see the Penitentary at night with a guided tour. For that, my ears pricked up.

"I'd do that!" I exclaimed, trying to regain some bravery-points.

They looked a little puzzled, and asked why I'd be willing to do something based in reality, but not something fake. I tried to rationalize it for them and myself. I guess because I have a profound fascination with history. I love hearing stories and then traveling to those places to see and touch them. Plus, I enjoy the comforting bubble a guided tour offers you. No matter how scary something appears, you can still remind yourself that your in good hands...even if those hands belong to a barely pubescent 17 year old wearing a plastic badge and carrying a cheap flashlight that probably came from a Happy Meal.

They seemed satisfied enough, and with that Carly booked the trip.

As we stood in the long line waiting for our turn to ride the bus that would take us over to the Penitentary, I suddenly noticed an employee walk by wearing some elaborate face-makeup. My heart skipped a beat. All I had kept saying in the car that day was "I really hope it's not one of those pop-out and scare you things...."

Ok, more tomorrow

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