*Sniffle, sniffle* *Hack, hack*. Goddamnit. I hate being one of those people constantly complaining about their ailments, but I'd like to catch a freaking break please (instead of a freaking cold). Oh well, it's probably just what I deserve after drinking a bottle of wine myself. Joe took the liberty of pointing out the obvious.
"You should know yourself by now. You get hammered after half a glass. You really should've just had one". Yes, truer words have never been spoken. But at any rate, onto tonight's post, which was also suggested by Joe.
So as I alluded to just now, I woke up this morning feeling a bit sickly. I noticed it on Sunday, but again, as I mentioned, I was simply chalking it up to mere hangoveritis. I was hoping the headachey, throat sorey, nose drippy feelings would have dissipated. No such luck. And on a Monday, too.
Thankfully my day at work was pretty much the usual. An old fremp stopped by with her baby son and we all went for a little walk, which brought about a nice break in the day. But eventually it was time to get back to work, so we waved a goodbye to our former fellow fremp and walked back upstairs.
Every so often my eyes would shift to the little clock on the bottom screen. 1:45 p.m. My mind went to the three things I wanted to get done today...1.) Grocery shop 2.) Stop by the farmer's market for fresh apples 3.) Take the dog for a run. As soon as it was the end of the day, I mustered up my snotty and dazed self, and went to my first errand.
Wegmans is a great place for groceries. Their selection is incredible and their prices are hard to beat. However, the problem with Wegmans is that EVERYBODY wants to shop there. And apparently, Monday is the official Baltimorean food-shopping day, because everyone and their mother seems to show up on that particular day.
I had gotten a little bit of a head start (shhh, don't tell the office), so I managed to find a parking spot and cart without any hassle. I was also relieved to not have that many items on my list; just some basics like milk and juice but what I really wanted was one of their rotisserie chickens. They taste great, their cheap, and (if I really am getting a cold) I can use the carcass for some homemade chicken soup. I was all set.
I happened by the cold/flu section, and thinking I might as well prepare myself (or Joe) grabbed a bag of throat lozenges and cold medicine. I went about the rest of my list pretty quickly and then it was on to the chicken. I walked over to the check-out aisles, where the chickens are usually found...and there were none.
I figured maybe they just hadn't put them out yet so I pushed my little cart over to where the full meat section was. I noticed a woman cleaning the case and approached her. Now another thing I usually love about Wegmans is their employees. I swear the majority of times I've visited the people could not be nicer or more relaxed. So, I waited a second for her to ask me if she could help me (which I really do love when employees do that. I know they really don't WANT to help me, but it breaks the ice so much nicer than having me do it). When she didn't, I asked her myself.
"Excuse me.." Again, I waited for the cheerful smile or at least encouraging voice. Instead, she barely glanced at me before continuing with what she was doing. "Are there any more rotisserie chickens coming out?" I asked as sweetly as possible.
"All out," was all she mumbled out, as she cleaned the racks.
"Ok, thanks very much..." For what, I have no idea.
Feeling now the frustration of a dinner idea down the toilet I quickly whipped together an idea and after spending a good 15 min. getting the new ingredients together I made my way BACK to the check-out aisle.
Now, I have another weird thing. I usually like to see who's working the check-out aisle before I enter their lane. Ideally I go for the 30+ women, because they don't give me sideways glances or suppressed anger when I whip out a coupon or two. Unfortunately, the shortest (and nearest) lane was being handled by a 20 something girl. Not my favorite, but it's better than a guy.
I began putting my items on the conveyor belt and noticed her shoot a sweet smile to a customer in front of me whom she had just finished up with. A good sign in my book. When it was my turn I also mentioned that I had one of those reusable bags and would like to use that as much as it could be filled, if that was ok.
She took the thing like it had snakes in it and settled it in front of her. As she began beeping the items I suddenly realized my check-card was gone. I remembered I had left in the pocket of my fleece, back in my car. The girl seemed to sense my panic as I could see out of the corner of my eye her casting an unsmiling face towards me. Thankfully I remembered I had my "in-case-of-emergency" credit card so I was able to complete the transaction. But still, I sensed a tone with that girl, like she couldn't wait to exhale a nice hearty breath of exasperation right at me.
Of course, it's possible I'm just too sensitive, but who knows...
Anyway, I could go on but this sucker is long. Maybe more tomorrow. Till Tuesday then!
never go food shopping on mondays!! best time is saturday night around 7 or 8 PM... ;)
ReplyDeleteGood to know, thank you Nestle Queen! lol