Hum, this stuff on my teeth feels weird. Kinda reminds of when I had my braces and they gave me this clear waxy stuff I used to have to put on my teeth whenever I'd get those sores or blisters inside my mouth from the metal rubbing against my cheeks. It feels like a mix of that and when you stuff gum inside your lip. Anyone else ever do that?
Anyway, I had another visit to the dentist today. Don't worry, I won't bore you with yet another dental-recap. Suffice it to say I was reminded about two things today: 1.) What getting a cavity filled feels like. 2.) I have a small mouth.
The latter was something I never really noticed as a physical trait, but today Dr. Baig was the second dentist to acknowledge. The first was the oral surgeon, who asked me to open up as wide as I could, and when I did so, he said, "Wow, you have a small mouth." Thanks, I guess?
And then today, as Dr. Baig asked the same of me, she mentioned it again.
"Open wide. Ok, that's a wide as you go." It wasn't like a question; it was more stated as a fact. The sky is blue. The economy sucks. Your mouth is small.
But I'll take having the feeling I have gobs of crap on my teeth, so long as it helps the sensitivity. And speaking of sensitivity (call me Sally Segue)...
I am such a whiney pain in the ass. I absolutely can not stop myself from comparing myself to other people, even when it really doesn't matter. Allow me to explain.
So my fremp Alex sent me a link to another blogger's site that she said was really funny. Actually, it was because of Alex and another blog she sent me a link to that got me thinking that I ought to try blogging, myself. I ended up not reading it anymore though. I became paranoid that I'd start to model this thing just like the other one's. But she sent me another one today.
I read it, enjoyed the cartoons that I assume were created by the blogger, and enjoyed the stories as well. Then I happened to look to the side of the blog, and noticed she had over 2,000 followers! She even had some stupid writer's copyright crap that I'm pretty sure was done FOR her.
Don't misunderstand. I freaking literally love ANYONE who bothers to take the time to read this b.s. I blather on about everyday. I am grateful to every last one of you, follower or not.
I don't really know why it bothers me so much. I guess because I like the idea of blogging as a pretty neutral playing field. Anyone who wants to can have a blog and write about anything. There's no real pressure because you aren't competing with anyone. But you are. And I SUCK at competitions. I was so the "thanks, but I think I'll just watch" kind of person growing up, but when you start to do something you like and really want to succeed at it, you are bound to be thrown into competition, because chances are, someone else out there wants your dream for themselves. So I guess the competition is supposed to help you improve and rise to the occasion, or some other after-school special sounding crap.
Anyway, thanks for letting me have my bitch-out. Please, please do not feel the need to soothe my lame ego, but instead leave comments about how you deal with feeling inadequate at times.
Tomorrow's post- "What I Use as a Tissue"
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