Oh man, it's so hard to be motivated to do ANYTHING right now: the rainy weather, the fact that all the VIPs of my office are out as well as my fellow fremps, I'm a little hungover... But I'm going to muddle through, especially since I dropped the ball with posting last night. Plus I got the Hairball rockin in my ear on the radio, so let's do it.
The rash (and they mystery of its origins) continues, but I have a new theory. I did some research and I think I know what it is- bed bugs. Here's my case.
1. For one, as I was driving to work the other day I was listening to the radio as always, and that news fellow Josh Spiegel mentioned that there is an unusual amount of reports coming in of people with an infestation of bed bugs. He listed off a few cities in the area where people had complained and one of them was our old residence of Cockeysville. Also, he reported that the reason for this influx of bugs is due to the fact that the pesticide usually used to kill these things has been outlawed.
2. I originally thought the cause was fleas. It made sense; Georgia itches herself and we never really treated her for them. But when we looked her over thoroughly we didn't see anything. Not a single fleck or bloody spot. And online they said you'd see at least remnants of them if not the actual insect.
3. I compared the images of people affected from flea bites v. bed bugs. The flea bites were small and concentrated in red. Meanwhile, bed bugs leave big welt-like bites that are pink. They looked exactly like what I have.
4. According to one website, they claimed flea bites are found around ankles and legs, never above that, whereas bed bugs can be found all over (and found in other spots that a mosquito could never get to).
5. One of the biggest mysteries is why I'm itching myself bloody while Joe is completely unharmed. A website also claimed that either the bugs preferred my blood to his or he was being bitten too but just not getting any kind of reaction. This is necessarily proof for bed bugs, but just explains why only one of us is getting tortured.
I told Joe my findings the other day and he said he'd go look up some websites too. While I was making dinner he went up to the bed to check for bug waste, which the website said you'd find. He came back downstairs saying he still didn't see any conclusive evidence to support this theory of mine. I asked him about this speck or that, but he reminded me that there was no way a bug could produce waste that big. And since we do let Georgia up on the bed sometimes, there's no way to be sure what's from her and what's from these bugs.
I'm still leaning towards the bed bug idea, relieved to think we had finally figured this mystery out. Unfortunately I can't be 100% sure, and now I'm worried to see a dermatologist because I'm afraid they won't know what it is either. Sigh...so the mystery continues. I just hope we figure it out before I run out of (apparently) tasty blood.
you totally have bed bugs!!!!