Joe can make me laugh, without a doubt. But for some reason, he makes me laugh the most when he doesn't mean to. I don't know why, maybe because he's usually so together and composed that when he catches me off guard with a comment or action that he didn't mean it sends me reeling. And, being the good girlfriend I am, I always kept these little moments to myself. But since I'm writing this blog (and offering up my own embarrassing moments all the time) I thought it might be nice to shine the light on Joe for once. So I give you, the Good Humor Man's three most recent and funniest moments...
1.) Slip&Slide- This is a short one and kinda coincides with what I was talking about yesterday. We were walking back home a few months ago after feasting on the massive buffet lunch at India Palace we like to hit whenever we are both free. There's a small hill that rings around our old apartment complex, and it had rained recently, causing the grass to be damp. Joe was trying to deeply explain something to me and just as he was rounding a point his foot slipped and he surfed down the hill before landing on his butt. I grabbed for his hand but didn't make it on time, and after I made sure his ankle and he was ok, we both started laughing. I wasn't happy for him to be hurt or anything, but just to see him so focused one second and then slipping down that hill the next cracked me up.
2.) Five Guys and One (sweaty) Girl- On another evening a while ago Joe and I stopped at Five Guys for burgers and fries. We decided to take my car, and looking back on it now with the heat wave steadily in the triple digits and my car being sans- A.C., it was probably not the wisest decision. Anyway, as we stood in line and I tried to regain the slightest semblance of femininity by wiping off the rivers of sweat that clung to my forehead. Joe, as he does at times, placed his hand at the small of my back and says, "Hi cutie-pie" immediately followed by "your back is sweaty". Now it might not seem funny, but he said it so matter-of-factly and without any pause so it came out like, "Hi cutie-pie your back is sweaty". I started laughing right in line.
3.) Off Target- This is the funniest story and it's the most recent. We were at Target getting a few things, and since I take forever to pick out a shampoo Joe went over to get what he needed. Surprisingly I grabbed my stuff quickly and went over to the other aisle where he was. I stood next to him and watched him grab a deodorant. He handed it to me and I looked at him confused.
"What's this for?" I asked bewildered.
"I'll just get that deodorant," he said casually.
"You want this deodorant?"
"It's Degree for Women...!?", I said about to hyperventilate with laughter.
"Well, where's the stuff for men?" he asked playfully annoyed.
"It's around the corner..."
"Well, how am I supposed to know it's for women!"
"Honey, it says right on the front it's 'Black Dress Approved'." I nearly keeled over right there, he was so cute and genuine, grabbing that Fresh Lilac scented 'Black Dress Approved' antiperspirant. It's ok though, cuz then I nearly slipped on my butt when we walked out.
He's such a good guy, and so funny when he doesn't mean to be. I always try to explain to him why I laugh when he doesn't think he did anything funny, but that's just why. He's so damn intelligent and witty that to see him adorably mindless just gets me right in the funny bone. Hopefully if he reads this he'll understand that it's all in good fun. And if not, we'll just say it's retribution for the millions of times he retold the "Mona Lisa Smile/Spider" story...
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