Happy Thursday, everyone! God, I can almost taste that weekend goodness. If I seem a little hazy it's because we just got back from Bahama Breeze and I had a nice big strawberry daiquiri and a hefty dinner so it's very possible that I might fall asleep right on my keyboard.
And speaking of falling asleep, why is it that when you are in the least convenient place you get that hard-hitting merciless urge to sleep but when you finally get to a bed or sofa you are suddenly wide awake? I remember so often sitting in class in high school or college, listening to some oddly long or tedious lecture, and trying with all my will to keep my eyes open in case I miss something important...like the teacher's watchful eyes. I keep bargaining with myself, saying that if I can just last until then end of the day I will beeline it straight to my bed. But then the bell rings, I gather my things and head home, get into nap attire, slide into the covers and then...nothing. I end up staring at my ceiling for hours, trying to encourage the sleep to come back, but it's always useless.
The same thing happened to me alot this week at work. I've been working on one particular project for a few weeks now, but for some reason lately I've had those horrible bouts, yesterday being the worst. I could feel the urge coming on while working on one set of names. I was looking at the computer screen when all of a sudden my eye lids felt like they weighed 5 lbs each. Then my head began to droop, and I knew I was gonna be a goner. At first I tried to just shake it off, rubbing my eyes, splashing water in them, but to no avail. Since fighting it didn't seem to work, I figured I might as well see if I could sneak a couple of minutes of sleep without anyone noticing.
Fortunately my desk is somewhat hidden. Unfortunately, my desk is right near my supervisor's. I shifted my body by putting my back to the rest of the office, and held my head in my hand, hiding my eyes. Ok, sleep, if you insist, let's have it....nothing. I was still too worried someone might come by and notice me. I was worried, but still the sleep kept coming to my eyes. Finally, I was so desperate I took the card key and slipped into the bathroom and tried to sneak a few minutes of sleep. Still nothing, damnit. Luckily my annoyance scared the sleep out of me.
I keep referring to it as a bad thing. But actually, isn't it the most delicious feeling? Your whole body and mind being so completely relaxed, you feel like you are just going to drop. The only bad thing is that you can't indulge the feeling. It's as if your body knows it, too-Hey, here's the most tempting sleepy feeling ever but you don't get to enjoy it. That probably would've been a worse than a stupid apple for Adam and Eve.
Anyway, I'm gonna go indulge in my drowsy state...if I can. Below is Georgia's contribution to the blog (since she insisted on climbing on my laptop while I was typing this). I suggest you indulge in yours. Good napping!