I'm a little uncomfortable today people. I think I've got about 23 bug bites all over me. And this is a problem for me, as a person whose sleeping pattern requires sticking a foot (one, not both) outside the covers, which leaves any exposed flesh like a freaking Vegas buffet to these damn mosquitoes. And why do these damn bugs bite you in the absolutely most uncomfortable spots? I got two right over the bone of my foot, the BONE I tell you! Ugh. Plus I got one on my ankle, so it feels really good whenever my foot shifts in my shoe and rubs right against it, igniting the itch-craze all over again. Merde!
Anyway, onto the update...
**UPDATE**The Living Year
I feel a little bit guilty. I didn't cheat! But because we got the puppy (who is requiring more and more watching, it turns out) I feel like I can't really even read. And this is my trashy-romance novel season! So because of that (and because I still had an unused gift certificate to Amazon all the way from Christmas) I figured I'd purchase a couple of DVDs.
This is NOT cheating. As I have stated before, I am allowed to watch television-DVDs provided they are shows not normally readily available or that I've watched to an obsessive amount.
The first one was Insomniac with Dave Attel, Vol. 1, and Jim Gaffigan's "Beyond the Pale". Insomniac was a show that I did love years ago, and lasted for a few seasons but then just disappeared. I really don't know why, it really was a genius concept- combine a travelling show with a drunken comedian. It's like chocolate and peanut butter, some things are just meant to go together. Plus Dave Attel is pretty funny anyway, I would probably watch him clip his toenails and find it humorous. I guess the Stop n' Shot thing (and if you don't know about that let me know) is kinda my homage to that show, though I lack the humor (and liver) to really capture that exact formula. Hence my need for a couple of hosts that I can just direct- and force to take shots FOR me.
"Beyond the Pale" was actually a last second thing. Amazon LOVES to get you this way--they dangle free shipping in your face provided you spend a certain amount of money, which is pure evil genius, b/c even if you think you are getting something for free you end up eating up the savings but purchasing extra crap you didn't even want! But I just wanted to spend this damn gift certificate before I lost it all together. Besides, I love Jim Gaffigan alot anyway, so I didn't mind. Does anyone else enjoy him? He always struck me as a highly underrated comedian. My only complaint that I have is as I watched the DVD I realized he told a few jokes that I really think I heard told by Kevin James or Adam Ferrera, but then again I can't be sure who did them first....and besides, how many different "Moses in the Desert" or "The Unhealthy Diet of Americans" jokes can you create?
I still enjoyed both, laughed my ass off in fact. But just for you naysayers I also ordered a book to read too...the Weird NJ-Vol 2, so suck on that!
Well, I gotta slip out now. See you tomorrow!
I am happy to take shots for you.
ReplyDeleteAnd so you shall, my dear, and so you shall.