**UPDATE**The Living Year- Day 43
And people thought I should just do one month...well look at me now folks! Over a month visually sober, and I can already feel some brain cells becoming re-charged. I feel like George when he has to give up sex and finds himself to be a walking genius...yet the really surprising thing would be for me to make a non-television reference. Oh well, baby steps...
While I can honestly say I really don't notice the fact that I'm not watching television anymore, it does present itself in odd ways. In one instance, the Verizon lady came to install our Internet and when she asked if we were going to get television as well, I proudly replied, "Actually, no. I gave up television...for a whole year!" She didn't try to push the extra service, nor did she seem particularly impressed, but just smiled and said, "Oh ok. Well, if you do decide to, here's my card."
The only other times I really notice is when people are retelling a certain scene of an episode of something. And I really don't find myself dying to tune in to anything...except for maybe The View.
Now, I'm sure alot of you will say what a waste that would be. To break a promise of giving up tv for a year and be tempted by a show like that? My only defense would be that sometimes, that show is worth the extra few deleted brain cells. Especially for the episode I heard about on the "Mike O'Meara Show" in which Kathy Griffin butt-slammed Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
From what I can recall, Elisabeth was complaining about something Kathy said, and Kathy in response, basically gave her an "F You". Not exactly, but in some other choice witty/dirty words. (I know, that's a really shitty recap)
It's moments like that I wish I was home still in my pajamas, watching to my heart's content while eating a bowl of Rice Krispies and a bagel. Back when Rosie was the cohost, you could forget about me being anywhere from 11 to 12 during the week- that was event television. But since she left, the show hasn't been as surprising or controversial. Sure, Whoopi is good cuz she's pretty level-headed. And I do enjoy Joy's commentary. However, Kathy is the closest to a real spit-fire that they can get to really rub Elisabeth's face in it.
I know few people like The View, and even fewer like Kathy Griffin. I enjoy the Hot Topics segment where you actually get some honest discussions going and some legitimate information before they start ass-kissing whatever television star is there to plug some made-for-television movie. And as for Kathy- while she's not ALWAYS on her game, I appreciate how she tries to keep herself in check and does a good job at reminding us that the idea of celebrity is as fake as Cheez Whiz. While she humorously tries to make it to the top, she can't help but show how authentically human and normal she is.
That's my view, anyway...
I love both The View and Kathy Griffin. I think people do need to realize its fabulous and there are actual discussions that put things in perspective.