No, I didn't die or get lost in the bowels of New Jersey. I got sorta caught up in my own crap on Thursday and Friday, and then when I finally got home (to the NEW home), I realized our internet was still not existent-and won't until Friday. So here I am, leeching onto whatever internet I can siphon off, but finally happy to be back and ready to bring smiles (or at least good-humored smirks) to you, the wonderful readers. So let's get to it.
First of all, I enjoyed spending time with my family, although I couldn't help but think about how spending time away from them makes me turn around and look back at my life. They've never made me felt that it wasn't good enough...well, except for my car. You know your car might be ready for retirement when people start fights over who gets stuck riding IN your car.
Now I'll admit it, my car is hardly a Rolls, but then again it's not exactly a total lemon. And you want to know why? Because, even though the air conditioning doesn't work, even though my driver window doesn't work (at least not without nearly breaking the bones of your left middle finger pulling the button up), even though the antennae struggles to go up or down (and sounds like an umbrella getting mangled in a garbage disposal), the overhead fabric flutters, the driver visor has broken off so I have to drive around like I'm either looking out to sea or giving a half assed Nazi salute in order to keep the sun from my eyes, and the dozens of dings and scratches...that sucker still STARTS! And really that's all I need a car to do- start, and get me from A to B.
Maybe I can look into getting a different car, once this townhouse stuff has settled. And speaking of the townhouse...
So I drove home, soaked both from sweat and the downpour of rain (really that AC thing is prob the worst part of my car, because I HAVE to keep the windows down at all times, otherwise you suffocate), and finally arrived at the new place. My heart broke for a second because as I pulled up and saw Joe playing with Georgia outside, she didn't seem to recognize me. But once I started talking I think she finally remembered my voice.
Meanwhile Joe and I began moving more stuff back and forth from the old apartment to the townhouse. As we watched (with white knuckles) the mattress and box spring lurch and sag in the back of Joe's truck, he recieved a call from our friends Dylan and Heather who said they were going to stop by. They showed up only a few moments after we did, with a few bottles of wine in tow. The boys attempted to haul the box spring up our teeny stair case while Heather and I stood by. When they decided to give up and just head back to the old apartment for a second load, Heather and I decided to give it a try.
With a healthy swig of wine, we each took a side and began working the box spring up. In a matter of seconds the box spring finally moved up the hallway and we managed to get it into the smaller bedroom. Extremely pleased with ourselves, we waited for the boys to get home to notice what we had done.
Unfortunately neither one said anything so we finally had to prod them along.
"There's something missing from this room," Heather said, coyly. They looked around confused until finally we said, "The box spring!"
So it was a little anti-climactic, but still, we were both beaming with pride at accomplishing what the two boys couldn't.
My high fell a bit later on, however, when Joe mentioned the next day that we probably wouldn't be able to fit a queen-sized mattress, let alone box spring, up the stairs. So now my mission is to find a "split" box spring for a queen at an affordable price. I know it probably makes me sound, ironically, a little queeny to insist on a larger size mattress. I guess because this is the first place I've lived on my own that actually resembles a house, I want to feel as adult as possible. And besides, we need a new mattress anyway, so why not just upgrade? I dunno, if anyone out there has tips on where to find this elusive "split" box spring, but any ideas are welcome.
Meanwhile Joe is at it trying to resurface the tub in the bathroom with some spray he bought. I'm pretty optimistic about it, and if it works we will have saved a bunch. The only negative is we have to let it dry for over 3 days (!) so are going back and forth to the old place to bathe.
But other than these small bumps, the place is looking better and better. I'm trying to not be a Debbie Downer about the lack of counter space or dirty spots, especially since Joe has been busting his ass getting the place ready while I was sunbathing in New Jersey or escaping to work.
Guess this is that whole teamwork thing they talk about in relationships, huh? Or at least that whole, keep-your-negativity-to-yourself craze that I need to catch on.
Anyway, tomorrow, maybe an update on the No TV Challenge or anything else that comes along. Happy Tuesday!
I like your house! And your little lemon of a car. I wish I had both.
ReplyDeleteYou are always welcome to both~ Thank you so much again for helping us out, let's get together this weekend so I can show you my appreciation....ooh la la
ReplyDeleteMoving/drinking was fun! Although next time I'm wearing shoes. Dropping that glass table top on my foot sucked!