I don't know why really I am so tired. I pretty much had a whole day that consisted of sitting. Sitting at my desk for 8 hours and then sitting in my car driving for 3. God, what level of lazy are you when SITTING is exhausting.
Or maybe it's just the fact that I can loosen up a little finally. I took off a few days of work to come back up to the Jerz and visit with family, hit the beach, eat some clams, and have an all-around mini-vaca. It's also the first time I'm going to be away from Georgia, and while I already miss my little butter-bean, it's nice not to have to sleep with one ear open waiting for the sound of whining and dashing out to door to make sure she doesn't pee on the carpet again. Plus my friend Lauren KICKS ASS (I mean she did already before anyway, but now she kicks even MORE ass) because she can watch the puppy while Joe has a show and a filming gig. So Lauren, if you are reading this, you are my hetero-life partner.
But anyway, like I said, I'm tired because I worked the whole day, came home for about an hour, went back out to get us dinner, packed, and then headed back on the road. Now, I can understand why sitting at a computer all day can be exhausting: your back, your eyes, your hands all have to be in-sync and focused. When you first start driving, you don't think you would ever get sick of it, and it could never be tiring. But then again, I guess it's the same thing- all parts have to be at attention for an extended period of time.
Plus, the trip home can be a tedious one. Aside from the occasional town, it's pretty much just a tree-lined highway. But I made a promise to my mom that I would come up. And since it's also my cousin's grad party, I really had a reason to escape the stagnant heat of Baltimore.
Speaking of mothers, I think mine has a addiction- to her kids. You ever notice how parents, even grandparents sometimes, treat their children like they are little poppers or something? My mother will call me at the oddest times, always asking when I'm going to come around again. I have to tell her that I'll try, but I know what happens. She's thrilled to see me, gets all excited and relieved. And then soon enough, the high wears off, and I know it's time to hit the road again. She'll wait a few days, and then the calls for the next visit happen. I feel like a damn drug-dealer. I swear it's a terrible cycle, I should really check her in somewhere...do they have a department for that at Betty Ford?
Anyway, short story even shorter, I made it home in one piece but unfortunately it looks like I'm getting kicked to the couch. I forget that here I am in the land of the TV-Watchers. My sister Hillary (SHOUT-OUT) got here earlier and was already asleep in the one bed, while the only other spare was in my brother's room (who can't sleep without a tv being on).
But I think it'll be alright. I got a blanket, some water, and a trashy romance novel to keep me company. And I also have you, my little literates. On that note, I will bid you good night.
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