Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thank You for Being a Friend, Blanche

And then there was one...As I was sadly informed by my sister a few mere moments ago, Rue McClanahan died suddenly of a stroke today. I know, I'm distraught too. But in times like these it is important to remember what made the people we loved so special.

Like many of you, I was/am/shall forever be a die hard Golden Girls fan (or a GGF as we like to say in the community). I can say with little exaggeration that I have seen every episode at least 6 or 7 times (probably more in the earlier seasons, which I found to be the best quality).

All of the girls were wonderfully unique, but Blanche practically began a revolution. No, not in her bed-hopping (though she certainly opened the doors for our Grandmas to become Samanthas), it was with her huge printed tops, candy-colored jewelry, and ever-changing do. Yes, Blanche, you brought us kicking and screaming into 80s and 90s fashion. And we loved it.
So, in honor of this icon, I bring you some of the best/worst/awesome fashions from the one, the only, the incomparable...Blanche Elizabeth Devereaux.

Ok, so this is obviously from the opening credits, and is our first introduction to Mrs. Devereaux (also this is the pilot episode where Blanche agrees to marry a man who ends up being arrested for polygamy- don't worry girlfriend, you still got a beautiful brown fur and light pink nightie that looks like it came off of the Barbie for Big Girls collection to keep you warm.) Also note this unfortunate duck ass hairstyle, which Blanche thankfully only dons the first season.

This look may have been recycled (oh who am I kidding, Blanche doesn't wear sloppy seconds) but I'm fairly certain this is from the episode where Blanche goes on a date with Ted, Dorothy's ex-husband Stan's brother, but who casts her off for Dorothy. Shocked? So was Blanche, and so were we. I mean, who can resist the wiles of a woman wearing a patchwork blouse and thick dangly blue earrings that could choke a farm animal? It was totally Ted's loss.

I can't right off pinpoint which episode this one is from, but I can tell that it was during the Mullet Incident of '89, '90. She is just barely forgivable but since she's wearing a lovely shade of purple with a black undershirt, and accented chunky earrings, we'll let the hair slide. (FYI: Blanche can actually wear any color, and at times, tries to do so in one outfit...of course occasionally she'll opt for the complete one color head-to-toe option. Depends on if Mel Bushman is in town.)

Don't look so disappointed, Blanche. So you missed the chance to meet Burt Reynolds and Loni Anderson (while they were relevant) because you booked a room at a hotel where they use prostitutes and you and the girls were caught up in a bust. At least you have your health...and the chance to look like a male Flamenco-dancing drag queen. And don't mind Dorothy and Rose, they are just jealous (as always).

We have lost more than a television show character. We have lost a woman who defined a trend, so much so that whenever we see something heavily sequined, elaborately flowy, or blindingly colorful, we shall always think of the woman. But besides the obvious fashion, we had a woman showing us that just because the engine's old, doesn't mean it stops running. She showed us how to be active, in more ways than one, and that as long as you have good people by your side, you'll never end up at Shady Pines alone. Blanche, thank YOU for being a friend.

p.s. Betty White, congrats! You have won "The Golden Girls Death Pact Survivor Extravaganza". You can pick up your $100 cash and gift certificate to Golden Corral at your local JCPenney's.


  1. OMG...RIP Blanche...good post krissy. however you neglected to mention the number of silky negilgee's and robes, always a Blanche staple for either whoopie or cheesecake in the kitchen
