Monday, June 7, 2010

The Living Year

Some people quit cigarettes. Others stop drinking. As anyone who has known me for a long time knows my addiction of choice is television. I have been battling this disease for years now, and let me tell is debilitating. It also shocks me that in this day and age of passing the blame and medications and group therapies, I have yet to hear of a television watching support group. Probably because there's no funding because there's no way to advertise, unless you put it on t.v...but then that defeats the whole point doesn't it?

But the time for me to turn off is nigh. And I intend to do so for....wait for it...a whole year. Yes, yes I can hear your gasps as you sit in your cubicles or on your beds reading this. Be calm, my readers, for like Frodo joining Gandalf on the lovely giant Goonies Pirate Ship (in probably the 3rd or 4th ending that Peter Jackson couldn't seem to make his mind up for), the time has come.

Why, you make ask, would I finally choose now to quit? Several reasons...

1.) I walked to my car the other night and I didn't realize till I was sitting inside and looked over at my passenger seat that I had grabbed the remote control to my t.v. I had actually walked out of the house still clutching it, like a colostomy bag. Sad.

2.) A few weeks ago while Joe's sister and her husband were visiting she asked me a specific question about a "Friends" episode. She said she was pulling out all her DVDs to figure it out, but in a matter of seconds I was able to pinpoint the episode she was talking about. Because I had seen the episode over and over and over again. (And I never was even a "Friends" fan, it was just another show to eat up time before the next one). Sadder.

3.) As a kid, while some were learning the Gettysburg address, I was able to recite, word for word, the entire Children's International commercial. You remember the one? Was about 4 or 5 minutes long with the guy holding up the little girl pleading for people to sponsor a child for less than the cost of a bagel a day? At the time I considered it quite the accomplishment. Saddest.

But maybe the final straw came when Joe became the second boyfriend of mine to tell me that I watch way too much, and so the challenge was set.

I know alot of people may say that a year seems impossible. It could be. I'm not ashamed to say I fear failure. But I figure sometimes it's good to challenge yourself, even when the odds seem insurmountable.

So here are the parameters:

A.) No television watching.

B.) Movies are allowed, so long as they are DVDs or going to an actual venue.

C.) Computers are allowed, so long as I'm not watching shows on them.

D.) Radio is allowed.

E.) Books are allowed.

There are some gray areas that I have yet to decide upon (such as watching shows on DVDs). And so any input or advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, since I myself am a bit of a gambler, I will also accept bids on how long I will ACTUALLY last. Might actually help to urge me on.

And yes, I realize avoiding television in the warmer months is a bit of a no-brainer, since there are usually lots of things going on outdoors (and most shows have gone on hiatus). The real test is going to be when I am stuck inside of hours on end in the winter. I have a feeling I'll end up looking like Mr. Burns or Homer when they get stuck in the cabin in the woods- demented and bilious.

Will I last? I dunno, honestly. I'm interested in finding out if anything changes in me: will I be on time more? Will I contribute more to a conversation than just giving a play-by-play of what happened on "Millionaire Matchmaker"? Will I be smarter?

Only one way to find out. The challenge starts on Wednesday....or Thursday, depending on what shows are on.


  1. Hmmm...I say 5 mos? You may last longer if you have friends that watch shows you like and re-enact them for you. With the right costumes I may be able to do a lot of reruns...old and new wave Nick @ Nite shows.

  2. You stealer, this was my idea. And I was going to parlay it into a book and then a movie and then possibly a tv show about not watching tv.

  3. Ashley, I may take you up on do you feel about recreating some I Love Lucy for me? I'll provide you with the redhead wig and polka-dot dress (zany antics not included).

    Erica, what the hell, that is EXACTLY what I wanted to do...hmmm, maybe we should collaborate, might help to have some mutual moral support.

  4. I cannot the steal my own genius ideas. I also specialize in Lucy antics, but more from the years before her move to CT.

    Becoming addicted to a show about your own withdrawal from tv sounds like a great idea!

  5. I believe you can make it...all the way sweets! Keep reading and writing...much better use of your time.
