Monday, June 21, 2010

Sell Out

Happy Monday everyone! It seems ironic to me that since I've had my Internet shut off I've actually been more consistent with this damn blog than I was when I'd sit cross-legged on my chaise couch going between thinking of something to write and stealing glances of episodes of Will & Grace. And speaking of t.v., let's do a quick update....

**UPDATE**The Living Year: Day 12

As of yesterday, at around 6 p.m., I completed the second novel I had been reading since this challenge began. The first was called, "Barefoot" which was a light yet interesting read and this second, "On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet" (I think that's the name) seemed much more traditional but incorporated historical fiction (a favorite topic of mine).

I've also tried to stock up on magazines to use as a nice in-between for the novels. My coworker helped out by donating her 20+ issues of Cosmo to me, which are still sitting in a box in the backseat of my car. I am kicking myself right now because a few weeks ago, before her generous offering, I was at a supermarket with my friend Kelly and figured I'd get a couple magazines there. My choices? In Touch (because it was cheap), People (because I thought it would be slightly informative), and Glamour (because nothing says summer more than lounging on a sweaty lawn chair and picking sand out from between the pages of an article about the newest feminist legislation next to the "8 Ways to a Better Butt").

And speaking of People magazine, when the hell did they sell out whatever journalistic integrity they ever had? I remember as a kid being bored and sneaking my mom's People magazine when it came through the mail and reading some actually newsworthy stories. Sure they had their entertainment section, but even that seemed to be done intelligently. I always trusted them because they didn't LIKE everything that came out in theaters or on television. I used to look forward to being agreed with, either negatively or positively-or sometimes even disagreed with.

So when I bought my very own copy a few weeks ago, I was sadly disappointed. Not only were the once informative articles replaced with stupid celebrity sightings, but the entertainment section was just a giant kiss-ass for every pop outlet. There were no pans, nothing less than 4 out 5 stars, not a thumbs-down in sight. I'm not saying they had to hate everything but really People? EVERYTHING coming out is just oh-so-wonderful and perfectly enjoyable? Who broke your critical bone? Oh well, another magazine bows and takes the corporate pole in the ass...

Anyway, other than the magazines and novels, I have been keeping busy with walks and thoughtful introspection, you know, the kind involving skipping stones and staring at lawn ornaments. Deep deep stuff.

Well, my time's up here. See you tomorrow!


  1. You mentioned me...I feel so honored!!!

  2. we never had people magazine subscription, it was too expensive since it was weekly. mom never would have gone for it, it was like $50 a year! there ya go, your fact checker!

  3. Haha of course I did Kell, this is about my life and you're IN my life. And thanks Hill, you're better than an actual editor, more accurate...and just as annoying lol.
