Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So Comcast (a.k.a. the bane of my existence) has finally caught on that I haven't paid the bill in two months, so they helped me out by just shutting our cable off. However, they also shut the Internet off too, so I am forced to use the Internet wherever possible and in short increments.

Therefore, until we get this straightened out, my posts are going to have be a bit shorter and probably not as deep or thought provoking (you saying, "were they ever?" doesn't help).

They gave me plenty of notice, but seeing as how I'm in this challenge thing (and besides the fact that this is now the 3rd or 4th time they've shut us down) it doesn't really phase me. Just inconvenient is all.

It also sorta sucks cuz Joe and I found this pretty sweet townhouse which we filled applications out for and they are probably running our credit as we speak. Something tells me a glaring red REJECTED stamp is in our immediate future.

But I swear Comcast is KNOWN for being extra-douchey. I once tried to pay the bill to get the Internet turned back on and when I called all I got was a lousy tape recorder telling me to, "easily pay your bill online at". Really asses? How the hell am I supposed to do that? Spend $10 in coffee at Starbucks and then another whatever amount just to use their wifi? Or hoof it to the library just to wait on line for a computer to free up and then rush like Satan out of Hell before my time is up?

Another time I had to pay for it to be turned back I actually got someone on the phone. They cheerfully informed me that to do it over the phone would cost a "convenience fee" of $14.95. Doesn't that just kick you right in your pancreas? I asked, "really, a fee?" and they said, 'Well, it's free if you do it online." Somehow it seemed pointless to remind them that I was actually without Internet, (hence the reason I was calling).... it just would've made my head hurt. So what are you supposed to do? Im usually too lazy (hence the reason the bill got out of hand in the first place) to try and bicker or hang up only to get to this same point online elsewhere, so like a jack-ass I hand over my checking account info and pay the amount (plus the total b.s. so-called convenience fee).

I'd say I'd try another carrier, however I haven't heard any are remarkably better.

Anyway, now that I've gotten my rant out of the way, let's move on...

**Update**THE LIVING YEAR- Day 8

You know, it's days like this where it's particularly tough. In case you are not one of the few people that are reading this AND live in Baltimore, let me describe the weather: bleak. Warm, but bleak. There's a grayness out that makes me want to curl up on the couch and watch so many episodes of "Friends" or "American Pickers" my eye balls might burn out (a la "Raiders of the Lost Ark").

Plus it doesn't help that people are busy. Busy busy busy. I understand the need for extra work hours or previous commitments, even fatigue. But since I now have all this freed up time, I guess I figured the people around me would be free as well.

I don't mean to make this sound so "oh woe is me", but I guess that was always one of the reasons I clamped onto television so much. Those characters were my friends, my companions. Available at the drop of a hat, and with no work involved...merely flip it on and you're not alone anymore. Now that they are gone (combined with this depressing weather) I'm feeling the pangs of loneliness.

Again, I don't mean to sound so depressing, and really I understand that people have their lives to live too. It just goes to show how warped my brain was--to think all people hung out together from day in to day out in coffee houses or apartments. But it's not like that here in 3-D world.

I love my friends out here in the real world, I'd do anything for them. What i need is someone who is as pathetic as I am i think. Someone who is out there reading this and saying, YES! I want to mull over why life sucks at a dark dive bar sipping on whiskey instead of staring at a electronic box longing for companionship.

Are you out there friend? It's me, Marginally Depressed.

Oh well, maybe I just need a fish or hampster or something.

Wow, sorry this got so bleak, lol. I promise, laughs will ensue tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. stop talking about might as well be watching it if you are going to talk about it so much. i thought the whole point of this experiment was to be trying new things and talking about that!
