Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Beware the Bikers

I was driving to work today and as I was making my way towards York Road I noticed this woman on a bicycle. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? Except that this woman was actually riding IN my lane. As I was driving I was practically holding my breath and steadying the wheel just to make sure I didn't hit her. I figured she would turn onto one of the smaller roads, but nope, there she was, sticking out just enough so I actually had to veer the car out of the lane and figure out if I had enough room (and time) to pass her.

When I realized she had no intention of getting on the sidewalk, let alone off York Road, I had no choice but to slow down to about half the speed limit. We came up to join York and she pedaled as fast as her little legs could go, but the road being wider (and busier, especially during rush hour) I was able to get into another lane and pass her completely. In my rear view I noticed other cars doing the same fancy car work of just trying to not smack into her...others I noticed simply didn't seem to care and kept their cars where they were, letting fate, and her two wheels, decide the outcome.

Actually, I have noticed more and more bikers on the road these days. Maybe it's because of the increase in gas prices, maybe it's the craze of going green, or maybe it's just the cheapest alternative for transportation; whatever it is, people are all hopping a ride on the bandwagon. Even Joe's friend Jeff has forgone a car and has managed to get by on two wheels. And honestly, there's nothing that bad about it. It IS a good way to save money, stay in shape, and go easy on the planet. The only trouble I have with it is when it seems these bikers are gonna ram their views (via their bicycles) right into my bumper.

It reminds me of the old "pedestrian has the right of way" concept. Theoretically, I believe it goes that no matter what, even if the pedestrian is obviously walking where they shouldn't, if a car hits them it's always the motorist's fault. Now, speaking as someone with friends who HAVE been hit by cars (man, that's a weird statement to proclaim isn't it?), it truly was NOT their faults. They had walked where they were allowed and in all cases I recall them saying that the persons behind the wheel were not paying attention to where they were going.

However, as a self-proclaimed bad old-lady-like driver, I can not help but fear being victimized. Why even my parents had a run-in with a biker (who, I might add, was the one not watching where she was going), which led to a whole fiasco with this hollow-headed Huffy rider. It seemed like a fluke accident, but today made me think that these bikers aren't just hapless victims...it seems they are actually daring us drivers to hit them.

If my drive TO work wasn't enough to make me think this way, the way home FROM work sealed it for sure. Driving back down York Road, traffic was even thicker. I pulled into the turn lane and as I waited patiently for the light to turn another biker veered in and out through the tightly packed cars. This character, wearing a whole Lance Armstrong get-up, pedaled right to the front of the intersection (oh and let me add too that this is the same intersection that only yesterday became clogged after two cars collided). I watched him in awed fascination and fear, as he steadied himself before charging ahead of the line of cars. Happily the road we turned on was a smaller, slower, more residential one, so there was actually some leeway for him.

Still, I can't be sure whether to praise the peddlers or live in genuine fear. One side says that they've got it right--choosing the all-around healthier method to travel, while the other says they should stick to their sidewalks and not try to compete with faster, heavier...deadlier?..vehicles. I dunno, who owns the roads? I guess it depends. Maybe we need to just learn to share. Afterall, haven't we all got the right?...of....way? (*wink *wink)

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