Not that I ever really cared about the Superbowl, but it is just the latest thing that I have missed since embarking on this television-embargo. And even if I didn't give a crap about the game itself, I would've liked to have been in on all the watercooler chat about the commercials, the Black Eyed Peas punting their perfomance, and Christina Aguilera straight up bombing the lyrics to a song we are all taught as kindergarteners.
(Yeah I understand it must be nerve-wracking to be in front of millions of people, and that the song is generally considered difficult to sing not only correctly, but well. Still, she's a trained professional, you'd think she would've been sooo overly prepared that something like this wouldn't have happened. But I digress)
Since I'm less than half-way to my finishline, I thought I'd relate just a few of the things I've missed so far....
1.) Conan- Both on the Tonight Show AND his own new show (plus all the funny promos I was told about). I will admit I never bothered to stay up to watch his show way back when, but I always did enjoy his humor whenever I caught glimpses or reruns. So when everyone was breaking down into camps like the freaking Civil War, I was left standing in the middle, wondering what I was missing.
2.) The Chilean Miners- Granted, alot of the news about them was readily available via the radio and online news reports. Still, I can't help but think that this is one time that the imagination would be better replaced with seeing the actual footage of the men being rescued. Bummer, but maybe Hulu will offer that as a free video soon.
3.) The World Cup- I'm by no means a hardcore fan of ANY sport, but if I had to make a choice, I could sit in a bar, sip a beer, and watch a soccer game. I dunno, maybe it's because everything always seems to be moving (and that the soccer players aren't bad to look at), or maybe it's because when I was abroad it was what everyone was obsessed with and I wanted to try and fit in. Either way I developed a fondness for the game, and would get genuinely excited when the matches would be country vs. country, so when I realized I'd be missing it during this boob-tube hiatus...damnit. And then the fact that it won't happen again for another four years...goddammnit.
4.) The New Season of....- It's always a bit torturous to go home and visit my fam and every television in the house is tuned to a show I want to watch. And when it's a whole new season of shows like American Pickers or Real Housewives of New York or Project Runway, it really sticks in my craw. Although I will say this draught has helped clear the crappy-television clutter from my brain, making me realize when I do watch television again which shows I'd keep and which I'll toss.
There's a bunch more I'm sure, and maybe I'll make this a monthly thing where I recap some television-related events I've missed (or don't). But seeing as it's getting late, I better hit the ol' sack.
Goodnite television viewers.
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