Happy Roman Catholic martyr Day everyone! Hope your Valentines were all extra ooey-gooey. Mine was as well...at least, yesterday was. I had quite the mini adventure on Saturday....
I woke up that morning feeling particualrly antzy. I've been feeling antzy all week, actually. Maybe even a month. I think it has something to do with the winter- every year around the same time I find I am more irritable and anxious and I think it's because I get a little stir-crazy. I mean, you can't go anywhere without having to face the cold and even if you get somewhere you have to eventually leave and brave the cold AGAIN. And besides, with the days being so short you can't even enjoy any outdoor activity for too long anyway. So when it looked like we might have a small break from the cold, I was gunnin' to do something.
I knew Joe had a business meeting with his game design team during the day and I was trying to plot out some sort of activity to busy myself with. I've been craving a road trip, so I looked up what was nearby that I could explore. Deciding against having a set plan, I would instead take York Road, the main road up here that leads to York, Penns., all the way as far as it would take me. I would just let the wind be my guide.
I should have known, however, that Fate was trying to give me signs that I should just turn back home and sit quietly with a book from the first traffic back-up. I sat on York Rd., behind rows of cars waiting to bypass an accident that had occured in the intersection. Trying to recover my spirit of adventure, I pressed on...only to be stopped again by the even LONGER back-up of traffic for the Cycle Show. Still, I wasn't ready to give up yet.
When I finally broek free of that I finally began to FEEL free. I wound through only semi-familiar neighborhoods, and even passed a winery. I was considering going back to the winery when the roads suddenly got very winding. It was also at this time I noticed the wind was pretty strong. It was difficult to get back my carefree attitude when I was constantly feelin g lie I was about to be blown into a deep ditch.
Finally I had to slow down anyway for construction being done on the road. Now, I hate moments like these, because I can never get a good sense what the workers want me to do. If I stop when they are telling me to go, I look incompetent- if I go when they want me to stop, I look like and asshole. Who needs that pressure?
Anyway, that's exactly what happened. I pulled forward when what they REALLY wanted me to do was stop (despite the fact the guy holding the sign was waving his hand--as in, Go, right?) After recieving some nasty looks I pressed on, finally desciding York ROad wasn't working for me anymore. I would pull off at the next passable road.
Little did I know I should really have just stayed my course...
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