Ok, this may be a stretch of me simply scraping the bottom of the Ideas barrel, but here we go...
Reasons my Dog is like a Cat.
(these are connections I have made based on my own pre-conceived notions about cats and do not necessarily reflect the ACTUAL behaviors of cats, since I don't own any, so cat-people: be fair)
1.) Sun-hunting- To be immediately followed by sun-lounging. Many a time I have entered a room or come home and spotted Georgia carefully placed with some part of her body touching a sunbeam. I have then left said room or have gotten distracted but when I'd come back I'd noticed she has shifted her body, continuously following the progress of the sun by wiggling her body to be constantly bathed in the warm sunlight.
2.) Batting, pawing or swiping- It could have something to do with whatever Frankenstein-ian mystery breeds she has in her, or perhaps it is simply behavior by physical design, but she is a dog that seems very comfortable using her front paws as hands. For a while now we have noticed that she will scrape her nails against our hands to get us to pet her. She will play by hopping on her back legs and springing forward, her arms (because thats what they look like) outstretched as if doing a "SOO big!"
3.) Picky eating- Granted I'm sure there are millions of dogs that have this problem, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say there exists a stereotype that some cats are particular about their food- and in that case, Georgia is similar. Lately we've been buying this food for her that has small chunks of chicken in it. She will very happily pick out the chicken and leave the rest (the healthy component, I'm sure) for much much MUCH later. She also will turn her snout up to her food if it is not gingerly doused in warm tap water. Yes, we are indulging her pickiness and yes, I am the one turning on the faucet.
4.) Climbing- On EVERYTHING. It has almost become a common thing; seeing the telltale paw prints on tables, chairs, beds, etc. Even when I'm usually writing and Georgia decides to stay up with me, if she wants attention she has no problem walking right on my laptop. Other times when Joe or I am stretched out on the couch, she has no qualms about running in from outside and walking right on top of us, as if we are in HER way. Unlike a cat, however, she is starting to feel less like a delicate puppy and more like a rambunctious dog.
Yeah, I may have punted this one tonight, but I'll do something a bit more thought-out tomorrow- my reviews on two restaurants I visited for Baltimore Restaurant week.
Tune in tomorrow.
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