It's late and I'm tired and strapped to a heart monitoring device so I'm gonna keep this one brief (not really sure how that last one matters but still).
I was thinking about just passing a thought or two along since this is such a historic day, or at least, it seems to be. And I promise I won't make the whole post about the Bin Laden thing, but for posterity and my own recollections, I feel I have a few things to say.
Joe woke me up when he came in last night saying something about how Osama Bin Laden had been killed by American forces. I wasn't totally paying attention since I was still half-asleep. I think I mightier thought I was dreaming.
Sure enough, as we both got up we turned on the radio and the news was everywhere- Bin Laden had been found AND killed. People were reportedly celebrating in the streets of D.C. and New York, and all the radio personalities were expressing their relief and joy.
And I felt cold.
I'm not sure what scares me more- the fact that so many people were thrilled at the murder of someone (no matter how despicable), or the fact that I feel less safe now than I did before. I just can't help feeling that while our government had the best intentions in mind (I hope) we have just set ourselves up for an even worse time with the Middle East. Those who adored Bin Laden will now think him martyred and his ideas will become beliefs. Those who felt indifferent may see us as bullies and try even harder to bring us down. Either way, I have little faith in this action doing anyone any good.
Yes, it is good to have one less terrorist in the world, and especially one as mad as he was. But I have the suspicion that maybe this was all a little too convenient and that perhaps we were meant to kill Bin Laden for someone less known to take his place.
I don't know. These are merely my thoughts and opinions. I don't mean to disrespect anyone, nor do I mean to come off preachy or a peace-loving hippie (which, there are worse things to be), I just would've felt better if we could have just captured him. But perhaps he would've killed himself before we could get any information out of it him, anyway. Anyway...
A funny thing happened to me while checking out of Wegmans the other day.
The check-out girl was scanning my items and, as is common with Wegmans employees, tried to strike up a conversation. I had noticed with the women in line in front of me they had all been discussing the wedding of William and Kate. Of course, since I'm still on a television hiatus, I didn't know or see much about it, so when it was my turn to get checked out I asked the girl about it.
"Oh it was just beautiful! Kate's dress was exquisite and William looked handsome. Her hair was.." she continued on and on, better than CNN coverage, retelling every detail of the event.
As she spoke I happened to notice she was double-bagging the rotisserie chicken I got for dinner without scanning it. She placed it back in my cart, never missing a beat with her description. I paid and as soon as she handed me the receipt I scanned it carefully to see if she had in fact, forgotten to charge me. She had.
I thought for a second about showing her the mistake, but in the end, I thought better of it. I just decided to consider it my own personal royal wedding favor.
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