I hate to be a snob or ridiculous, but really, the pizza here in Baltimore is a crying shame.
I know that New York gets all the credit for having awesome pizza, but New Jersey is right there too (both literally and standard-wise). The sauce is always sweet and savory, the cheese is gooey, and the crust is perfectly chewy AND crispy. I took the fact that we had more great pizzerias than bad for granted, until I moved here.
I recall so distinctly sitting around in my college dorm or around a common area, and someone mentioning a craving for pizza.
"Hey, I know! How about Papa John's?" What? A chain?!! Blasphemy!
I was perplexed since really, my family and I never ordered from a pizza chain. You always order your pizza from a place with a stereotypical Italian name, like Michael Angelo's or Little Luigi's.
I tried to be open minded and not a pain, so I'd go along with the group- and was horribly disappointed; thick plastic-y cheese smothered over salty sauce on top of flavorless cardboard. I hoped that my new found friends were merely going along with what was easily available. Yet sure enough, another week or so would pass and suddenly I'd see someone pull out that damn Papa John's menu.
Yet, Baltimore is something of a known city, with plenty of great meals available. I was determined to find my home pizza away from home pizza. And happily, I have. In no particular order, I give you my Pizza Picks for the Towson/Baltimore area.
1.) Pasta Mista's Margarita Thin Crust- Perhaps it is because they place really fresh Roma tomatoes on top. Perhaps it is because it tastes amazing even at below room temperature. And perhaps it is because I had it just last night. But Pasta Mista's pizzas are fantastic. I've tried a few of their different slices, but my go-to favorite is the Margarita thin crust. You never actually feel like you are eating something "bad" for you, because the ingredients appear so simple and fresh- great crust, a savory sauce, fresh sliced sweet tomatoes, tangy basil, and sumptuous fresh mozzarella slices.
2.) Maria's- Joe and I discovered this gem over a year ago, primarily because of the price. On Sunday and Monday their large and X-large pizzas are half-off (making an end of weekend/weekday meal not only a treat but extremely affordably). They are a tad greasier than I'd like, but the flavor is still one of the best I've had. The sauce is pretty killer and the crust has a great balance of chew and crunch.
3.) Strappazza- Fairly certain they are a chain, which does detract some level of appreciation, but they do have fantastic pizza. In fact, it's one of the closest New Jersey-style pizza experiences I've had outside of the Garden State. The cheese and sauce appear well combined, rather than one sitting on top of the other.
Have your say: Out of towners- let's hear where you get your pizza from or in fact any food you miss from your hometown. Local to Baltimore? Let me know if you agree/disagree or have any suggestions as to where I can go to get my pizza fix.
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