Man, I am craving watermelon right now. It's really amazing how as soon as the weather turns warm I get relentless cravings for cool juicy fruit. Although I can't be sure if these cravings really have anything to do with summer or if it's because those damn supermarket circulars make them look sooo good.
And that is quite a feat for some of these supermarkets which borderline on the edge of bodegas. You know the kind of places that sell day old bagels in their "bakery" and a can of beans that saw the Great Depression.
However, on the flip-side, in this area we also have our fair share of high-end over-priced markets as well, and everything in between.
I've done a bit of moving around in this area, and because of that I have learned what I like best and least about the supermarkets around here (and since I have no other topic in mind, I think I'll rate them on a scale of 1-6, 1 being the highest).
6.) Shoppers: While their prices are pretty decent and they have a nice variety of generics, their fruit and vegetables have always been on the crappy-side. Also you get the feeling that things just aren't so clean or refreshed very often. Also, no coupon cards so you never get to watch your total amount drop a dollar or two.
5.) Food Lion: Again, their fruit has always been more on the miss-side than a hit. Also they don't seem to carry a ton of variety, however their meat case is well organized by cooking methods (grilling, sauteing, stew, etc.) and their specials are usually pretty good.
4.) Superfresh: Lots of variety and their produce is usually pretty good. And though sometimes their sales can be pretty amazing, they aren't often enough.
3.) Trader Joes: I am a newcomer to the whole Trader Joe's phenom but I have to say I am pretty hooked (I even have Trader Joe's brand toothpaste). On some things their prices are great, however on most items it is double or more than I want to pay. Still, it's nice to go in there and try something new or unusual.
2.) Wegmans: Great prices throughout and so many things to try. Wish their fruit section was a little more plentiful, because their fruit is usually great. Also great consistent deals on essentials like paper towels, toilet paper, and tissues (all the lowest prices I've ever seen for the same things). Seems to have a generic option for everything under the sun. However, it always takes an extra half hour to get through the store since it's so big and almost ALWAYS busy. The parking lot might as well be as big as a football field.
1.) Mars: The little supermarket that could. Conveniently right on my way home from work, I can quickly pop in for a quick dinner idea and be back out in less than 20 minutes. Surprisingly plentiful and delicious fruit and veggies for a small grocery store, I rarely have a bad piece. Their sales are usually fantastic but even their consistent prices are hard to beat.
I've never made it to WholeFoods, but I understand that it's moniker is WholePaycheck, so I assume it's not cheap. But I wonder if it's worth it...?
Anyway, what is your least/favorite supermarket and why? Post a comment here or on my facebook.
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