Well, I'm back after yet another adventure in New Jersey. I went up to finally give my sister and brother their birthday/Christmas presents- tickets to see "Cinematic Titanic", the live-action version of the now defunct television show, "Mystery Science Theater 3000".
Joe had taken me two years ago for New Years and we had a ball. And since my sister and brother were such fans of the TV show too I looked up when they would be touring in New Jersey and purchased tickets.
The drive up to New Jersey in general wasn't bad, if not just a tad long. Joe and I arrived at around 10:00 p.m. and pretty much crashed right away.
The next day had miserable weather: rain, clouds, and cold wind. The theater we were going to was up in Princeton and though my dad insisted it was less than 45 minutes away, I was still anxious to get on the road. I probably shouldn't have been so quick to start driving.
We drove straight into downpour after downpour of rain. The wind batted my car around a bit and the splashes on my windshield made seeing a real challenge. We were armed with my Garmin but as we neared the theater we found ourselves confused. No signs that we could see indicated what direction the theater was in, and worse, we couldn't find the parking lot.
We drove around in a circle a few times till finally I drove right into the first semi-safe parking lot I could find. I even asked a couple in that same lot getting out of their cars if this was the right place to park.
"I dunno, " the woman said, "but I'm parking here anyway." That was good enough for me.
We parked thinking the theater was right around the corner; after all, that's what the Garmin had us believe. It wasn't until I hollered at two guys smoking outside a cathedral-like building where the McCarter theater was that we realized it was about 4 or 5 blocks away. So with time running out and the rain pouring directly on our heads, we dashed in the direction of the theater and, thankfully, made it on time.
The show was great, despite our discomfort in our seats due to cold, wetness, and hunger. Still, I was relieved to see how grateful and delighted my sister and brother were for their present.
When we got back on the road to get home the rain had stopped for the most part. We were instead treated to a fantastic lighting show right in front of us.
Now, I'm a nervous driver, anyway, but I'm even more so in a place I've never been before, and downright neurotic when it's nighttime and rain keeps getting in the way of my seeing. It must have been because of that that I failed to see the giant flood that took over a huge portion of the road. The oncoming traffic must not have expected it either, as I was about hit it another car did, and splashed a huge wave onto my car. A millisecond later, I hit it and soaked my own car. It happened so quickly and blinded me so completely that it took me several minutes to calm my nerves down.
I slowly pulled out of it and continued on my way. Happily there were no other car-incidences. But even still, I think I'll wait to visit Jersey again until after April's showers.
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