Must STOP skipping days! I miss how dedicated I used to be, I must get back to that. Of course a hangover doesn't help things. Who goes out on a weekday? This gal. Anyway-
So for about two months now I've noticed that I would get this feeling in my chest that felt like my heart was pounding extra hard or skipping a beat. I didn't bother to take much notice of it (I mean, it's just my heart and all) until one day the feeling went from just unusual to slightly painful and pressured.
I was at work when it happened. I was typing something, thinking about lunch, when suddenly it came on. Not taking my breath away, it still caused me to sort of grip my chest a little. I wondered if it was just a spasm thing but it wasn't totally going away.
Just to be sure (and fully freak myself out) I decided to do the poor man's diagnosis and check Google for some answers. I wondered if it could be just indigestion or heart burn, as nearly a year ago I woke up in the middle of the night and I felt like I was having a damn heart attack but I later determined it was just my first experience with late-night heart burn.
However I hadn't eaten anything yet and this seemed to come on out of nowhere. I searched my Google results under the question "Can heartburn be mistaken for something more serious?" to which Google replied, "Yes, but be advised.."
Essentially the article was telling me that the feelings can be similar, however if you are experiencing any wooziness or nausea to call a physician right away. Not sure if those were my symptoms precisely, but I was still scared enough to finally look up a doctor and see if they should/could see me.
Not so shockingly, they didn't have anything open till the following week. I gave the receptionist all my info and when that was done I tried to casually mention how I was feeling a little bit of chest pain.
I could tell I must've caught the receptionist a little off guard as she suddenly dropped her professional tone and got a bit more familiar, saying"Yeah, I think you might want to stop by one of those Walk-In Clinics, just to be sure..."
She then said for me to call the next day to tell her what they said. However, the day went on and though the pain subsided I still noticed the strange pumping rhythm. I decided to bypass stopping at the clinic; afterall, what if I end up spending $150 I don't have just for them to tell me to take an antacid?
The next day at around the same time, the pain returned. And again, I ignored it.
Finally it happened a third time, and fearing I might drop dead in my cubicle, I finally grabbed my bag and headed for the clinic. What happened next? Find out tomorrow...
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